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Vaccines Vs Autism Drama


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Case of argument from authority.  Doctor says vaccines link to autism, it propagates through, and affects thousands of families.


I'm reminded of something else, about some book Ken Ham said to read...

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Vaccines=Autism.  Sometimes.

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Case of argument from authority.  Doctor says vaccines link to autism, it propagates through, and affects thousands of families.


I'm reminded of something else, about some book Ken Ham said to read...


for anyone that actually read anything about the old studies about this they would realize how flawed they were and what bad science was actually behind them.


I know idiots with kids that just because someone else word of mouth told them vaccines cause autism didn't vaccinat their children.


One actually got the fucking measels. In 2012 measles... I mean seriously? Why even have modern medicine if word of mouth will actually stop anyone from their best chance at giving their kids a good life.

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