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Goodbye Jesus

Christian Left Discusses When Life Begins


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Posted by a friend on FB, I thought it was an interesting and honest take about what the Bible says (and doesn't say) about when life begins. Something to stir up your right-wing pro-life friends.

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  • Moderator

Great article.  I've been arguing these points for years.  They always seem to fall on deaf ears.

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Great article, thanks for posting.

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The White Wing will only take it seriously when it comes from one of their own.

The problem is, the sources.

I will bring it up, though, next time one of them suggests I at least consider a  liberal church.

*bemused by all this*

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  • Super Moderator

What a great article!  Too bad the right-wing-nutjobs are so close-minded.  Well, maybe there's hope that some of them will see things differently, but I'm sure not holding my breath.

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Yep. Adam only came to life when Papa YHWH blew his pneuma (spirit, breath) into his nostrils. 


The pneuma hagion (holy spirit) was the breath of Papa YHWH, not a stupid "third person" in some "trinity."

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