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Goodbye Jesus

How Jesus Can Help With Medical Bills (Humor)


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The next time you have an expensive medical treatment done, after you are completely cured, tell the doctor that you asked Jesus for healing throughout the treatment. Then keep asking the doctor several times if he thinks Jesus was helping heal you. After about twenty inquiry's, you should be able to get the doctor to agree, with an eye roll, that Jesus did the healing. At that time tell the doctor you aren't going to pay him because Jesus healed you. Tip; if you try the same thing the second time with the same doctor, you will find it extremely difficult for him to agree that Jesus healed you!

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Goodbye Jesus

I think if we said that in the uk the doctor would have us sectioned under the mental health act

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Kind of like how Christians are occasionally stiffing waiters and waitresses.  Jesus only asks for 10% (of my entire income) so why should I give you 15% (of the cost of my meal)?  You get nothing!  Pay your rent with bible verses instead.

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  You get nothing!  Pay your rent with bible verses instead.

The Bible says give to those that ask of ye

Homeless person asks Christian for cash for hot meal and a drink

Christian refuses, offers a prayer instead


Translation: Christians feel no shame in giving Jesus the finger when its suits their wallet  

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