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The Universe


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Does anyone know any books or any other information about our part in the universe? I've been seeing some comments on the internet about how we as humans are a part of the universe that sounds interesting. I thought maybe someone here may know more.



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I liked Richard Dawkins "The Greatest Show on Earth" which focuses on evolution.  I also like John Dewey, "Human Nature and Conduct" which is a theory of human culture, instinct and creativity.  Larry Arnhart is more absolutist approach to human ethics, but also good in "Darwinian Natural Right."   As a coffee table book, I like "The Illustrated Atlas of the Universe" by Mark Garlick.

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Thanks, Llewellyn.

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I know Brian Cox recently presented a series called "The Human Universe" and there is a book that has been brought out with the same title.  I did not see the one and have not read the other so this is not a recommendation, however.  A review, for what it is worth (and upon the fairness of which I cannot comment) is here:


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Thanks, Ellinas. I am trying an e-book sample of the book. The reviews on Amazon were pretty good. Let's see if my old brain can wrap around it. Hee, hee!!

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