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Goodbye Jesus

Why Does God Hate Divorce


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I mean , what difference does it make to Him. You make a bad choice in marriage, your spouse drinks and gambles and knocks you about. You often go to bed in tears and want out.......God says no in His holy book..........so you put up with this treatment for months , maybe stretching out to years.


An old flame shows an interest and you meet up for coffee. they explain they have always missed you and you think back to the couple of years you dated and how great it was in retrospect. Even going to watch Adam Sandler movies was fun back then when you were both an item......You dearly want to chuck the spouse and hook back up with the ex..........Yahweh knows your wish and is looking down from Heaven in fury....why?. Why does He care.....are you not allowed to move on from a mistake..........why is the Bible so insistent on you saying with a wretched spouse..... 


I know Jesus allows divorce only in the single case of a woman being unfaithful, yet St Paul does not allow it at all.........


Why did they care, what difference did it make to them..........



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I wish I wasn't on my phone about to get ready for work because I have so much to say about this....let's just say this topic hits a nerve with me.


Basically people who refuse to support their family members going through a divorce because their stupid god hates it can kiss my fucking ass.

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God didn't hate divorce back during the Old Testament.  The husband owned his wives and he could choose to give any of them up at any time.  A wife did not have a say in the matter.  Wives did not divorce their husband.  When a wife left her husband that was called "playing the harlot".  It was a crime and had serious punishment.


It doesn't make sense to apply Bronze Age customs to a modern world.

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I guess because a wedding is considered a promise to God? And a divorce is considered breaking that promise?


That's how I thought Christians viewed it. 

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The Israelites hated chaos, and anything remotely chaotic. Divorce messed up the appearance of an orderly society. But, you'll notice that in the OT prophets, God goes through a rationalization of why he had to divorce first Israel and then Judah (they were such whores).

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What really chaps my ass about that is in instances where the couple married in their teens, reproduced several times and one of the spouses turns out to be a real shit-heel.


Right, let's continue to let these children assimilate the fucked up examples of adult behavior this parent exhibits. Also, since mommy and daddy are anything but cordial to each other let's let the children be programmed with that model of a "normal" marriage and see how that works when they seek a mate.


Their god and christard relatives will be pleased they didn't divorce though.


Oh wait, I just described my step-daughter and her husband.

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  • Super Moderator

He hates everything. Final answer.

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and look the divorce rate of chirstians now

it's not significantly lower compared to non christians and in some survey it is a little bit higher


back then D-word is taboo in churches

now churches cannot even say anything about divorce unless they want to lose half of their members who were either divorced or divorced and then remarried

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Guest Furball

if i was a christian i would say that he hates it because those people took a vow before him....if he was even watching


as a non christian i don't believe in god so....

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In NZ most churches are in the position of not being able to say god hates divorce because so many of their members are divorced.  There's also quite a number of divorced and remarried pastors.  It is generally discouraged, though.

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Because he loves being a tyrant?  Because misery is somehow viewed by him as being to his honour?


The covenant relationship is as good (and bad) a rationalization as any.


By the way, I know Christians who interpret divorce out of the Old Testament as well.  They postulate a customary 12 month formal betrothal period, with what we think of as divorce being nothing more than breaking the engagement before the marriage is complete.


Hey presto - no more contradiction...!!!

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I'm trying to think of this in "context" here.  The bible was written an awful long time ago, before there was contraception, good medical care (including access to safe abortion), and welfare systems.  It was written before women were thought of as full humans beings, before they could easily support themselves as a single person or a single person with children (still often a difficult thing today).  I also think the concepts of "romance" and "love" and "personal happiness" were very different back then (if at all relevant to most peoples' marriages or lives back then).  


It was also, from what I understand, written from a "world is ending" soon concept because Jesus promised he'd be back soon.  Paul wrote what he did about marrying if you must, but staying single if possible, because if the world was ending soon (apparently within their lifetimes, since Jesus promised he'd be back before everyone that knew him would die) why bother with earthly things?


Since Jesus hasn't bothered coming back for over 2000 years, and the world has changed, women are now full citizens with rights to ownership of goods and money, education and employment, and good contraception has for decades enabled the concept of "sex for fun," I think it might be time for those out-dated ideas to change.  Why people today would cling to those severely out-dated ideas is beyond me.  Well, the church does is to keep membership and money, but why individual people can be so mean to divorced people is beyond me.  

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God doesn't hate divorce. People, who lived in the ancient biblical lands speaking on behalf of their God or somebodies God, apparently had some issues with divorce but because nobody living then apparently cared what they thought, they said God, or somebodies God, told them he or it didn't like divorce.


Saying that God hates divorce assumes that a supernatural realm actually exist and that divine beings exists there and they communicate with humans in supernatural ways. And if humans don't do what they are told these supernatural divine being will do bad things to them.


In order to believe that it takes a lot of indoctrination or a very vivid imagination. A mind that has lost touch with reality is often required too. glare.gif

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Is there a such thing as an atheistic marriage?


*Off topic*

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Because God only wants one peen per vageen.

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