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Goodbye Jesus

The Suffering Of Jacqueline Saburido


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Jacqueline Saburido, some of you may know is a survivor of car crash in which a drunk driver in 1999 hit the car she was travelling in. Two passengers were killed , while the drunk driver walked out with barely a mark on him.  Saburido was trapped in the wreckage and was burnt alive. Paramedics on the scene were beaten back by the flames and described the heart wrenching scenes of her screams. Finally she slumped forward in silence, leaving one of the responders to remark, "thank god she's dead"


Jacqueline Saburido did not die, fire-fighters put out the flames after which paramedics discovered a pulse and she was rushed to hospital.Her face was burnt off due to the selfish and dangerous actions of a drunk driver, who served a mere 7 years for killing two people and destroying her life. 


Today  Saburido lives with no nose, ears, fingers  or hair, her skin still taut and painful. When her Mother died of cancer she wrote of her frustration  at not being able to care for her 


Saburido, now an advocate against drink drivers allows her before and after pictures to be used in campaigns. Her courage and humanity is a beacon of inspiration. She talks of the stares and cruelty of others......they can never take away her bravery.


Jacqueline Saburido lives in hope, and I do hope that one day science will make a solid leap forward and make a profound difference to her life. she is now in her mid 30's, given the huge leaps we have made as a species in just the last 50 years, there is some hope, she can recover some of what that awful night took.


She attempts to regain  her faith in God, which is understandable given the trauma of her injuries


Why does God not heal her, it is nothing to Him and everything to her. He either cannot or will not, either of which makes a mockery of prayer as he listens to the prayers of his desperate children.


You will recall the woman held prisoner for 20+ years and repeatedly raped by her own father. Hitchens covered this well on a panel with Christians. He said in effect ,think how she most have prayed, think how she must have begged Heaven to save her from her own father raping her night after night. God did nothing, nothing, watched her suffering with indifference, yet Christians say it will all be OK in the next life............


Charles Templeton, a very successful preacher and Canada's answer to Billy Graham was preparing to preach in Africa. Every where he looked he could see children starving to death due to the failure of the crops. He prayed to God to just let it rain, just rain, that's all, rain......it did not rain, and Templeton walked away from the Christian faith because God either could not help, or choose not to.


Reality shows us that either:


God is not real

He does not want to help us

He cannot help us

He is evil



Over and over again Christian parrots proclaim He answers prayer, he intervenes, He loves us.........the evidence is all against them,why can't they see it.

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I'm reminded of the saying, "Don't tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big your God is."


The problem with a big God is that he is apparently too big to care about what we're concerned with. If he exists, he doesn't seem to be nearly as personal or friendly as he would like us to believe. Jesus called us friends, but God doesn't care to help us when we need it. We'll just "be taken care of in Heaven." Never mind our life here on Earth. It doesn't matter. It's only the tangible experience we know we'll have. It terrifies me to think I've wasted what could be 1/4 of my life (if not more) on thinking it didn't really matter in the long run.


Our problems matter to us, but they don't matter to God. That's something Christians can agree with.

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I happened upon Jacqui's story years ago. Sure teaches you to think before you drive at all in any condition that takes away your concentration. 


I can imagine some xtian saying "but god is using Jacqui to help so many people"........... 

How screwed up is it that god needs to ruin someone's life like that. She's an inspiration, yes, she's probably changing many lives, yes, but she didn't ask to be that way and she's suffering so much more than most of us can ever understand. 



....bah. Sigh. 

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"Either God can't stop bad things from happening, he won't, or he doesn't exist. So God is either impotent, evil, or imaginary, take your pick."

-Sam Harris (I don't think I quoted it correctly but you get the jist)

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Guest Furball

I am not surprised that she is struggling to find faith in god. If it were me, i wouldn't even bother. I was just thinking about this, this morning. I was thinking, if the christian god exists, and he is intimately involved in human affairs, then how come he treats his creatures (humans, animals, everything on earth) with such arrogant carelessness? If christianity is true, then god on a daily and nightly basis throws countless human souls into hell like people throw a used dirty rag into a trash bin and doesn't even think twice about it. I just cannot believe how arrogant and petty the christian god is. 


As far as christians go, people like joni erickson tada use their tragedy as hope that god can bring something good out of something bad. It is just plain sick that this god would have to brutally torture some human just to inspire others to be grateful that "god is with them" during the bad times in their life. What i find even more sick and disturbing, is that the god of the bible admits that it is he that "wounds and heals", yet these christians act like it was something other than god that caused their horrible situation and are grateful that god stepped in to help them after the fact. What makes no sense to me, is that according to the bible, god is the author of all human,animal, earthly suffering, then helps you out of your situation (maybe) and expects you to be grateful for it. Why should i or joni erickson tada or anyone else for that matter be grateful for bible god's help when it is his fault we are in that horrible situation in the first place? What would you think of someone who came up to you on the street and stabbed you, then took you to the hospital and after you were healed demand that you be grateful for them for taking you to the hospital? You would think that person was insane, well....that's how the bible describes god, he causes all your pain and suffering and then (supposedly) heals you, then demands you be grateful for it.


Castiel, you are right about these christians being parrots. All they can do is squawk over and over again all the exact same christian nonsense. Thats the difference between a believer and an un believer, we are no longer deceived by what they are "selling." 


It is clearly evident that if bible god exists, he doesn't care anything about us at all. We're nothing to him but play toys for him to play out his sick pleasure with.

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As soon as I read the name Jacqueline Saburido, the horrifying images I remember seeing years ago came flooding back. I cannot imagine any God at all who "loves" us allowing someone to suffer that kind of pain. The way she is suffering, or in any of the examples you've provided. When I was still a believer, I was very bothered by this very thing. I was supposed to just believe that God was using us to help others, that he was working in mysterious ways and that we'd be rewarded for our suffering one day. And then there's my favorite...this life is just a test. So Jacqui's faith is just being tested? Is she failing? What about some privileged yuppie suburban soccer mom who grew up financially secure, in a safe, loving, home, has been handed everything, lives a sheltered life, married a really nice guy who treats her right and whose biggest faith test is when the deal falls through on their newest McMansion and they decide they're gonna need to build a new home instead. The whole process of moving is "so stressful" but they work through it with the help of their therapist, personal trainer, and weekly massage sessions (this stereotype is based off of several people I know personally). And of course they attend church every Sunday to thank God for blessing them. They are winning a ticket to heaven because their faith has never wavered. Jacqui is going to burn in hell because she stopped believing.


Why is the game so rigged?

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Guest Furball



Why is the game so rigged?

I apologise to castiel for going off topic for a sec here. Also this morning i was thinking how god has a weird fascination with testing people. I thought, wait a minute, so we fell short of gods glory and needed a savior who came and gave us another standard in the new testament that we all fall short of as well? So we are saved from failing jehovahs test in the O.T. by jesus, so who is going to save us from failing jesus test in the N.T.? Then it occurred to me, the whole thing is a rigged game that no one can win.

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I just up voted every post on this thread. 


Maybe we should bring this up in the Lion's Den and see if a Christian can explain why Biblegod has such a funny way of showing us his love? 


ETA: Ooops, sorry C.C. I'm out of up votes for the day. So all but that last one.

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