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Goodbye Jesus

New Book! The Journey From Christianity To Atheism

Brother Jeff

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Congrats Jeff on becoming a published author. I feel certain those who are on this de-conversion journey will find your book helpful. The net is pretty awesome. It has allowed a number of authors to get their work in print that they probably would never have been able to get published in the past. I hope you sell a lot of books.

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jeff, congratulation on your book 

thank you for the free version


ps: I hope you were not stoned when you were writting it tongue.png

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Jeff, a huge congratulations to you my friend!! I've read a little of your book already and I plan on buying it very soon. And soon as I can take some time to read it!! I hope you get all the recognition that you deserve with this book. I know it will help many others. You're honesty is so refreshing. I'm always so sad that you had to go through what you did for this book to get written, but I know it will be a part of your healing journey. I for one, wish you the very best in every venture in your life!!



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Congratulations, Bro. Jeff.

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Thanks, everybody! Glory! :)

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You need to add more content or reduce the price. Also no offence but posting YouTube can get you into loads of bother without proper referencing even if its your own work. Its also not advised to post links as they may change so put a disclamer in

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Sorry its harsh what I said but I am going to read it all in one sitting but I do say u need to be careful when mentioning people that u have their permission or use pseudo names

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