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How Do You Handle Difficult Situations?


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What do you do when life is too difficult, and you don’t have a big sky daddy to pray to? Have you developed any methods, ideas or philosophies to live by, that gives you strength in such situations?

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I've felt that life is too difficult since I was about eight. After being seriously depressed and hopeless for so long, it became normal for me, if that makes any sense. It might not sound very motivational or uplifting but the only real reason I keep going is to see what happens next on this crazy planet. Aside from that, all I can do is build up money and maybe one day become rich enough to buy power so I can change things, hopefully for the better.

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I usually feel extremely stressed out when I've stopped going to the gym. After a week of laziness I start getting blue and cranky, but give me a few days of working out and I'm better. Even when something bad happens I take it much better.


Yeesh, I haven't worked out in a few weeks.

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I’ve adopted the philosophy that when things get tough, it’ll all work out fine in the end and I’ll just leave it at that. It’s pointless to worry over things that are completely out of my control. It’s weird actually. I find that life is a lot less difficult for me, now that I don’t have a “big daddy in the sky” to cry to every time something goes wrong.


But whenever I do become depressed (which I usually do during “my time of the month”) I just go for a jog or write more on a novel I’m working on. I don’t need prayer anymore to make everything all right.

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Even without the aformentioned "big sky daddy," it seems that there are a lot of things that happen because they have to, one way or another. I know that one way or another, things work out, and life will go on. Not much, but it is mostly not trying to change what I can't.

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Meditation..or introspection is what I do. Some times things are TOUGH..I think through all scenarios, conclude that what will be will be. I correct what I can, do what I can..and don't worry about the rest.

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I have had to adjust to not asking the Sky Daddy for help when things go wrong. If anything, I've become aware that I am responsible for my actions, thoughts, and reactions to events. When a reorganization at work resulted in work assignments that I didn't like, I came to look at it as a train wreck or car accident. No amount of wishing on my part changed the fact that it happened and now I have to deal with the results. Actually, it is going better than I anticipated. :Look:

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Stuff that helps with stress:


Taking a deep breath. Slowing down my breathing. Breathing correctly.

Sleep. Getting enough of it.

Good food. Plenty of water.

A little exercise of some sort. A 15-minute walk or some yoga.

Taking a dog break. Snuggling with the pooch.

Good beer.

Taking a minute to get away from whatever's stressing me out.

Retail therapy.

Time spent alone, with nobody pulling at me to get their needs or wants met.

When appropriate, breaking bottles in the recycling bin.

When appropriate, judicious application of the middle finger to said stressor.

Swearing. Creatively.

Talking to friends.


MAKING ART!!! <----this one rocks bigtime

Taking a break and doing something fun.

When appropriate, psych meds and/or counseling.


Note that no prayer or supplication to any deity is anywhere in this list, and yet it serves me just fine.

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For some reason masturbation doesn't help, it just make me feel lonely :lonely:

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What do you do when life is too difficult, and you don’t have a big sky daddy to pray to? Have you developed any methods, ideas or philosophies to live by, that gives you strength in such situations?



I do the same thing believers do. I call out for help to the people I love and cry like a damn baby.


Only after I cry, I make gold records. (paraphrased from SNL cowbell skit).


I am going through one of these difficult situations right now. I find it more comforting knowing that it is random and purposeless than I used to, praying to god and wondering what the purpose was.

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I try to think back to a time when all was well.


And I rely on the adage "this too shall pass."


Everything's temporary.

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What do you do when life is too difficult, and you don’t have a big sky daddy to pray to? Have you developed any methods, ideas or philosophies to live by, that gives you strength in such situations?


I go out to range and make yankee greenbacks turn in to smoke and noise via superior firepower..


Praying to John Moses Browning and his inventiveness does wonders for daFatman..



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And I rely on the adage "this too shall pass."

Truly you are my "brotha' from anotha' motha'"!



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I pretty much try to get regular exercise and take a little quiet time for myself when things get rough. Not always easy, especially when things are hectic. Having some time to think things through and blow off some steam helps allot. Having a good friend of two who will listen when you need to talk things out is nice.


Not easy finding the time, but it beats the alternative. Nobody wants to see you walking office to office with a fully accesorized bushmaster CAR-15 :twitch:

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I used to feel bad whenever I didn't pray. But I am learning how to cope with things...


When I'm upset I just goto a private place, meditate, and just spend time alone.


Also, I go do exercise(in the gym or at home)...


I'll even goto a movie or watch one at home...


I still pray(I still believe in a divine force), but not like I used to.

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Making music



Roleplaying games


Sipping a martini in the hot tub


A large Meat Lover's pizza

Bullshitting with my friends

Sex in the hot tub

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