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Goodbye Jesus

An Odd Sense Of Loss..


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Not really "loss", just can't think of how to put it.


So, I'm perusing some old sites I used to be a part of..one of which I was even admin on for a while. xtian sites.


I spent alot of time there, putting alot of who I was into posts and such..and it really seemed..I can't quite grasp the words..hence my use of "loss"..


Anyway, all of my posts, anything that every said I was there at all, are completely gone. I guess my contributions were deemed unworthy and full of shit, since I chose to leave. (After being banned three times :lmao: )


Does anyone else ever go back and look? Have any of y'all found that your every remembrance has been erased as though you never existed? Did it make you feel..odd?


Do they do that out of fear? LIke.."here's this person who was a strong xtian at one time and now they are apostate, so we must eradicate them, lest they "infect" some of us?"


I dunno..just some cold, rainy afternoon ramblings when I oughta be doing laundry or something..

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After several years now I found myself going back to the pro-RKBA/2A/Gun boards that I haunted, participated and admin'd on.


Much like you I feel now an outsider as the groupthink there has gone from fairly Freedom oriented and libertarian to lockstep "georgebhushrepublicanwereongoHdZsideilubbajebuz".


Post anything that dares question our blessed annointed leader (left uncapitalized on purpose, thank you) and the xtian call to purge the world of unclean sorts who dare fight the Worlds Authority and Police and you get you crotch kicked, face slapped, scorn piled on deeply.


(Not a post to define my disdain for the moozies either, separate ideas)


*Know* it *just the interNutt* and that 2-D words can't do or say much that permanantly hurt, however to see entire groups of people give their minds to the religio-statist right scares me.


These are the folks unlike the disarrayed dummycratic underground sorts ARE well armed and well versed in how to use Arms and Tactics.. they can and wil be able to compel others to their will by force of arms, despite what "laws" are on the books.


Seems that politics has deepened the chasms that divide our thinking processes.


Men such as I who just want to be left the fuck alone and not have anyone from *any side* try and proctor me and mine will soon have to defend that ability, if the sprecche across the Nutt is any indicator of what is happening in meat.life.


k, not too hopeful for a peaceful future, L

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Not really "loss", just can't think of how to put it.


So, I'm perusing some old sites I used to be a part of..one of which I was even admin on for a while. xtian sites.


I spent alot of time there, putting alot of who I was into posts and such..and it really seemed..I can't quite grasp the words..hence my use of "loss"..


Anyway, all of my posts, anything that every said I was there at all, are completely gone. I guess my contributions were deemed unworthy and full of shit, since I chose to leave. (After being banned three times :lmao: )


Does anyone else ever go back and look? Have any of y'all found that your every remembrance has been erased as though you never existed? Did it make you feel..odd?



I prefer it when I am totally forgotten. If that happens then I know I have done my job correctly.

To be forgotten so easily means I have had as little influence on others as possible while still interacting. Observe without being observed. Obsorb without being obsorbed.

Live without living. Being without being. It's the next best thing to actually not existing.

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