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Goodbye Jesus

Abortion Ban Linked To Dangerous Miscarriages At Catholic Hospital

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Five women suffered prolonged miscarriages, severe infections and emotional trauma at Mercy Health Partners when staff neglected patients’ health to uphold religious directives against inducing delivery, report reveals.






Silent, I'm only going from the part you quoted.

We don't agree a lot on certain issues, but I'd bet my life that we both agree that this is disgusting, wrong, sad, and damn it, enough is enough.


I read about the first half of this article. This is disgusting. I remember that the strict Catholic position used to be that if it was a matter of the baby's life or the mother's the Catholic Church would act in favour of the baby's life.


Women as incubators anyone?


I read the whole thing and it did say that the official policy is to allow abortion (or in these cases inducing labor) to preserve the mothers' lives. However, the problem came in determining whether the mothers lives were actually in danger. It was a close call in a couple of the cases, but none of the women died. One of the women was even grateful for the doctors saving her life (from a situation they created!). It's disgusting that these situations even occur at all. At the end of the article it indicated that the whistle blower's position was eliminated in the next budget session and she was moved to a position she was not trained for. She subsequently quit. Nice.

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