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Goodbye Jesus

Have You Gone So Far As Commit The Unpardonable Sin?


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Dropped the Jesus Effing Christ bomb on my Assemblies of God mother. (Not at her, but in her presence) She was very forgiving being that I was 28. I traumatised myself with that release of godlessness, considering I never cursed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think I did...


I have two occassion that I associate with blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and secretly I'm still scared of going to hell for it. This verse caused me a LOT of trouble, just like some of the other "unforgivable" verses (mark of the beast, willfull sin, returning to unbelief). Somehow I always thought (and sometimes think) I did those unforgivable things, while other christians I know never worry about those. They always say God can forgive everything. 


When I was traumatized and psychotic and superscared that I would go to hell, I fled my house and encountered an evangelist on the streets. He asked me: "do you think you will go to heaven or to hell when you die?". I almost broke into tears and answered him that I was really scared of going to hell. And he prayed for me. I felt all dizzy and weird when he prayed. This caused me to think he was from the devil (I was really sick at the time) and I literally told this to my dad. Coincidentally in the weeks after this I met three different people saying people in the church he belonged to were truly filled by and radiating the Holy Spirit. While before that I never heard of that church. So... then I started to get superscared that I blasphemed the Holy Spirit: I thought I had literally contributed a work of the Holy Spirit to the devil!


And I wrote on this website that the christian God was a horrible psychopath unworthy of worship because he created hell as a place of everlasting torment, killed babies, etc.


In bad times, both these incidents still scare me. I start to think christianity might be true after all and I'll go to hell. It's difficult to shed this belief, even if I can rationally think of many arguments against the bible.


I'd still be too afraid to blaspheme the Holy Spirit, most of the time....

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Fear is man kind's most powerful emotion and an incredibly useful and powerful tool. That's why religions use it.


Now, go take a nice hot bath and have a glass of grape juice. Wait. Your'e over 21 right?

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