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Goodbye Jesus

Ten Years Deconverted And A New Bible At My Door

R. S. Martin

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Do you hav a back yard?you could out a stack of bibles out and arrange some branches etc over them and over time it might provide homes for insects.

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PurpleStarGirl, re your personalized Bible, I agree with midniterider's idea of cutting up the part with your name into tiny pieces. You can go even further and make sure alternate letters of your name go into different garbage bins--one goes out this week and the other at a later date. I've done that when disposing of old credit cards. To make it even more difficult to reassemble, make one cut across the middle of the word lengthwise, cutting the letters in two pieces, upper and lower halves. Then cut up the two strips and put some letter pieces in one bin and some in another. And yes, put in some rotten meat or dog poop as a deterrent. Since it's not illegal to throw out a Bible, you should be totally safe doing that.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was just cleaning up the garage. Stumbled upon a pocket sized "Psalms and New Testiment"; likely a leftover from my mother-in-law's estate. I dumped it in the recycling bin without a another thought; just worthless clutter.

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When I was "de-converting", it was because of the "paul" BS. I ended up ripping all of "paul" out of the pocket bible I always carried and strewn a park with the pages. Oh, I seen someone must have panicked as all the pages were picked up by the next day. Three of the "full size" I just threw in the trash, but my two "pocket size" I wiped my butt with before I threw them in the trash. Burning would be nice, but you can't just set fire to a page and expect it to go up. You have to have a nice "campfire" type of thing going, and open it up and place it pages-down into the flames. I did that with the catholic books and a rosary I got from my mom's estate. firedevil.gif


It felt good.

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Create an artwork out of it! 

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