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Goodbye Jesus

I didn't ask for any of it, Christians.

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I wanted friendships... if we didn't click, that's ok; it happens sometimes.


I didn't ask for the motivation behind your friendship to be some mystical shit involving spirits and voices in your head... because when you ignored me and marginalized me, I couldn't just blame you for being an asshole - I had to beat myself up and wonder why "god" would allow us to not have "fellowship" like we should have.


I wanted to be able to count on someone when I had troubles.


I didn't ask to belong to a club where the only "acceptable" problems are ones I can quote bible verses about, and cry during a "testimony". I didn't ask to be forced to fake a positive attitude when things were going wrong and I wasn't "trusting the lord" and sharing about my "time in the word"... I wanted to be able to be mad when I felt mad, to struggle when I felt conflict. I didn't ask to be forced to keep up a standard of "correct" responses to the issues in my life.


See, here's the thing: you all built a world for yourselves where none of you is ever good enough - unless "good enough" means you're a pitiful loser who constantly has to second-guess every emotion, every thought. Your god who loves you so much never lets you rest; you're always either cheering for how he's so great and you're not, or you're crying over how awful you are.


I never asked for you to say that it's only god that gives you strength to love people... because when you've failed - and you have, over and over - you keep going back to how it's YOU who is imperfect without god.


Well, if your god is the one who WANTS you to love me, and you fail, it must be because god decided to stop caring.




If you NEED god to care about me and be my friend, and you STOP caring, then your GOD has stopped caring. That's the only explanation.


I never asked to only have friends because an invisible man makes you like me.


I wish you would stop telling people that it's a god that makes you do whatever that's good, because you suck at it, so either your god sucks at loving people, doesn't want to love me, or doesn't exist.


No one else I ever meet tells me that the only power they have comes from a god... we meet, we either have things in common, or we don't. We either hit it off, or we don't. That's life.


When you make such big claims about the power of your god, you'd better be prepared to suck up a whole lot of shit you don't like and stay faithful to the people you call "brother" and "sister",

because, frankly, you're all full of shit.


Thanks for listening.

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See, here's the thing: you all built a world for yourselves where none of you is ever good enough - unless "good enough" means you're a pitiful loser who constantly has to second-guess every emotion, every thought. Your god who loves you so much never lets you rest; you're always either cheering for how he's so great and you're not, or you're crying over how awful you are.


I've been doing this all my life, don't need another reason for it. Thanks, but no thanks.


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Great post.


"And stop telling me that...

1. I have "faith issues" because satan is influencing me

2. I roll my eyes when you say "so and so is blessed" or "that would be such a blessing" because I am denying god.

                YOU are not god (there is no god, actually) and, if there was, YOU sure a SHIT do not know what he/she is thinking

                 so stop pretending you do!


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Damn, my relation to this post is strong. I wish I had the balls to tell this to all the people who were friendly to me all because I said yes to a Bible study, wanted to "discover God," and hated myself to do everything they said was godly. This post is too freaking real.

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