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Goodbye Jesus

A goodbye letter to God

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Dear God,

       It's me again. I have come to you so many times in the past asking for your devine favor. Sometimes I felt that you had answered while others you left me hanging. I've seen the suffering of your children and read the confusion upon their faces. Why oh God do you not answer those that proclaim your Holy name? Why do you let your children be raped and murdered? It isn't for Christ's sake but just for the carnal desires of money, sex, and even sometimes in your name! You said vengeance was yours!! Is it really? Then where is it? 

     I've called out to you pleading for you to restore my faith. To make me feel that assurance that I felt when preaching your word. When I felt that you were leading me to what I needed to feed your flock. I miss that connection, the one on one feeling when I thought you were with me. Is that not a humble enough request for you?? Are you really so high and mighty that you can't take time to show yourself to a man that served your ministry for over a decade faithfully? 

      I'm tired of being told I need more faith! What happened to the mustard seeds? Are they not good enough now? Why don't you show yourself? It's been to long. 2000 years of man's interpretation has discredited your word. All I see anymore are lies. It's time for you to prove yourself. You said you would try us!! Now I try you!!! Show yourself!!! Show us your Glory!!! Make every knee bow to your presence!!! If you truly have all power this should be an easy task!! If your word is so true I would sacrifice myself so my children could see that you are real!! Jobs wife told him to curse you and die! Is that really what it takes for you? OK, we'll here goes! Show yourself you fucking asshole!! Manifest yourself before me and my family! Send Jesus down again for a visit so I can see for myself. Then strike me down and save my children!

     But you won't answer will you? This community has already said similar things and prayed the prayers I've prayed. They tried just as I have with no response. Your word said that the Other God's had no ears to hear, yet you also hear not. You said that anything we asked in your son's name, having faith, it would be granted unto us. From where I stand it looks like you are either as dead and dumb as those idols spoken of in your word or you are a coward. 

     Your a myth...... that's all you are. Like Zeus and Odin. Oh how I wish your book of lies and the fear it instills in the hearts of man had been lost in time like the faith of all those other bygone religions. Your no better. You just created a monopoly on faith with a punishment to unbearable to risk worshipping others or even to think freely. Faith was supposed to make us free but has only confined us to your will. I hope your happy with all the grief and death you have caused upon the earth. The blood is on your hands God. Your lies and your deceit have have scarred mankind forever. 

       I was going to say goodbye...... but I can't. Your no where to be found.


Sincerely your once faithful servant,

                                                Dark Bishop

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