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Muslim teenager repeats #Blacklivesmatter 100 times on Stanford application and is accepted

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No injustice here! Nope! None at all!




When Ziad Ahmed was asked on his Stanford University application “What matters to you, and why?”, his answer was clear.


He wrote: “#BlackLivesMatter”, repeating the hashtag exactly 100 times to highlight the excessive use of police force which disproportionately kills black men and women.


The practising Muslim senior high school student in New Jersey has since been accepted to the prestigious University.


I liked how this guy puts it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoHAG9UFaKI  (5 min video).  The fact some groups are disadvantaged is often nothing to with racism (as Blacklivesmatter would say) but more with cultural and educational differences.

If you are poorly educated then you cannot teach your children more than you know.  If society has a built in dislike of education and suffers from tall poppy syndrome where the successful are mocked rather than looked up to, then you end up in a cycle that we see.  That is not to say racism doesn't happen, but many times people need to look at themselves first before trying to find a scapegoat to blame.


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