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Goodbye Jesus

Wrestling For Jesus

Guest Pagan Chris

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What a bunch of fukin' morons! :dead:

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I am sure they have scriptures to support their position "for Jesus."

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On their "About" page, these WFJ say: "So God draws them in to the WFJ shows using the semblance of a wrestling show then presenting them with the Word of God and with his plan of salvation."


You can't get any more direct than that. God needs a gimmick. The GoodLard uses wrasslin' to bring in the youngins for himself. Couldn't TheGreatI-AM use something a bit more tasteful, like chardonnay wine tasting and cheese platters? Or how about a sleep over at Sax-5th Avenue w/ first crack at shopping? I mean, yuppies need christ too.


God, what a crock. I saw stuff like this years ago in the late 70s. There was these two dudes travelling the world, bending iron pipes and breaking bricks with their heads for christ. Like, so what? You don't need god to do all that stuff. Just a good coach and some serious gym time. :Wendywhatever:

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sounds like a new version of the Power Team.....

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Silly idea...

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So I guess at their matches, if someone holds up a sign saying "John 3:16", they actually mean it. Is nothing sacred anymore? I mean, to turn the awesome sport of wrestling into a promotion for a death cult is an abomination.

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