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How do you handle Xtian door-knockers now?


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A Baptist family of three knocked on my door tonight and wanted to know "if I needed anything". I said, "uh no" and they began to talk about the church. I said "No thanks, I'm Presbyterian" thinking that was the easiest and fastest way to get rid of them. They said "will you pray with us?" I mean seriously? Right there on the front porch? I said "not right this minute, no" and they went away looking hurt. I was wondering how others handle door-to-door xtians.

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I tell them I’m not interested. 


I want to hand them a glass of Koolaid tho!

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17 hours ago, Orbit said:

A Baptist family of three knocked on my door tonight and wanted to know "if I needed anything". I said, "uh no" and they began to talk about the church. I said "No thanks, I'm Presbyterian" thinking that was the easiest and fastest way to get rid of them. They said "will you pray with us?" I mean seriously? Right there on the front porch? I said "not right this minute, no" and they went away looking hurt. I was wondering how others handle door-to-door xtians.


Sounds like you did ok. It's not your problem they are going away looking hurt. I usually just say, "No thanks." I may accept the Watchtower from JWs so I can throw it away but I'm not spending my time doing something silly for fools that knock on my door.


This reminds me of the bell ringers in front of stores at Christmas time. The unwritten rule of guilt is that if they say something to you and you make eye contact then you are obligated to drop money in their bucket. Well, you're not. Wish them a Merrrrrry Christmas, even with a smile, if you like. Then continue walking in the store. :)


Chances are you're a nice person in many ways all year 'round so dont give any of that donation guilt the time of day.

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My home office is right there in the front of the house next to the door and most folks can see that I'm there before they ring the bell. They can also see that I'm not answering the door. Sometimes I get a muffled rumble of discontent and/or disbelief in my antisocial behavior but my motivation is to not do anything to encourage these people.

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8 hours ago, MOHO said:

My home office is right there in the front of the house next to the door and most folks can see that I'm there before they ring the bell. They can also see that I'm not answering the door. 

LOL!!! You're more bold than I am! I pretend I'm not home *or* feel compelled to answer if they *do* see me. I'm such a good Xian girl-puppet! :ugh:

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I don't get any over here, but back in the US I just told them boldly "I'm an atheist". That scared them all right off. 


I had an old colleague who had a problem with returning JWs. After getting frustrated with them, he finally got rid of them by answering the door in the buff.  

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The JWs here actually want to charge for Watchtower mags.


I stopped answering the door, if I happen to be home. I've seen them arrive in the neighborhood with their extra large purses and suddenly felt a need for a latte. It is like having a mentally ill person come to my door wanting to convert me to their fantasy. I might still engage them if I thought I could plant seeds of doubt, but I haven't thought about how for a while.


When I was a believer, I used to engage them in "sword fights" over Bible verses. Had far more luck with Mormons than with JWs. JWs seemed far more entrenched and didn't care at all about past prophesies of the Watchtower organization. "The light just keeps getting brighter" was the reply, meaning they may have got it wrong in the past, but now they see more clearly. I'd tell them that OT prophets were stoned to death if they got it wrong even once.

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3 hours ago, Fuego said:

The JWs here actually want to charge for Watchtower mags.


I stopped answering the door, if I happen to be home. I've seen them arrive in the neighborhood with their extra large purses and suddenly felt a need for a latte. It is like having a mentally ill person come to my door wanting to convert me to their fantasy. I might still engage them if I thought I could plant seeds of doubt, but I haven't thought about how for a while.


When I was a believer, I used to engage them in "sword fights" over Bible verses. Had far more luck with Mormons than with JWs. JWs seemed far more entrenched and didn't care at all about past prophesies of the Watchtower organization. "The light just keeps getting brighter" was the reply, meaning they may have got it wrong in the past, but now they see more clearly. I'd tell them that OT prophets were stoned to death if they got it wrong even once.


"Please buy this product that we know you dont really want because if we give it to you for free we know you will just throw it away." Good marketing strategy. :)

I wonder how many Watchtowers they actually sell. Maybe charge them $20 a minute to stand on your porch.

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Haven't had any of those in a while, but if I did I'd probably say nicely, "thanks, but I'm not interested," and shut the door even if they kept talking. (And keep it shut once I had.) They may look hurt, but that's their problem and remember Christians are great at manipulation. You didn't ask them to show up and they are bothering you at your home.


I had a roommate who said sending them away was rude, but what's really rude is showing up at your house and telling you their beliefs are better than yours.

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I have no problem with telling people that I'm not interested.

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I tell them, “Hi, sis! Hi, DBIL!”


On 12/2/2017 at 10:26 PM, Orbit said:

A Baptist family of three knocked on my door tonight and wanted to know "if I needed anything". I said, "uh no" and they began to talk about the church. I said "No thanks, I'm Presbyterian" thinking that was the easiest and fastest way to get rid of them. They said "will you pray with us?" I mean seriously? Right there on the front porch? I said "not right this minute, no" and they went away looking hurt. I was wondering how others handle door-to-door xtians.


Tell the truth. You’re an ex-Christian, been there, done that, not interested. However they respond, it’ll be easier to deal with than having to make up responses concordant with whatever you’re pretending to be.

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15 hours ago, Fuego said:

The JWs here actually want to charge for Watchtower mags.


Seriously? They expect non-JWs to pay for being harassed?

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I don't get them at my house (we had several political party people back during election season)....But the first door-knocker we get, I look forward to opening the door and informing them with all confidence in the world that I dabble in the occult and am happy to sacrifice a young goat to Lucifer so that he'll look upon their door knocking efforts with favor. They are also welcome to all the demons that congregate in my house as well, whichever one they like!


Bonus points if I have any of my baking stuff open, I'll drink some fake blood, throw in an evil laugh and a curse to their unborn children and call it a day.

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Since it is not illegal to open carry inside my own home, that can be a deterrent.  I just don't step outside. :D


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If they have really nice knockers I'd definitely let them in. <_< :o 

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28 minutes ago, Geezer said:

If they have really nice knockers I'd definitely let them in. <_< :o 


Good one!  :D

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Answer door.

Caller: Can we talk to you about Jesus?" (or something similar)

Me: "Not interested, thanks."

Shut door.


It only gets ugly if they don't take "no" for an answer.

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