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Goodbye Jesus

Lenten Sacrafice!


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As a more and more former Catholic. I am giving up religion for lent! Jesus Christ! I even ate meat every Friday and skipped Mass gleefully while feeling a new confident surge in my body! I have not been struck by lightning yet,,,,But Christ,,,that everlasting fire after I die might be hot!!! What do you think? Thanks for the response.

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As a more and more former Catholic. I am giving up religion for lent! Jesus Christ! I even ate meat every Friday and skipped Mass gleefully while feeling a new confident surge in my body! I have not been struck by lightning yet,,,,But Christ,,,that everlasting fire after I die might be hot!!! What do you think? Thanks for the response.


Hi gary,


As a former Catholic, I can identify with a lot of this. I can understand being afraid of Hell- it is, after, the ultimate punishment. But truthfully, I think overcoming the fear of hell can only be achieved with time. I broke the Ash Wednesday fast this year (on purpose, b/c I'm having a hard time deprogramming myself from the rituals). I felt a tad guilty at first, but it didn't last. And now, my attitude is mostly, "Who the fuck cares?" So, what's the point? That even if you don't get results at first, they may come with time. Perhaps the hell issue will force you to eventually reexamine your beliefs again (and no, that doesn't mean reversion to Catholicism necessarily).


At least you don't have to continue faking it like I do (or do you have issues with family, too?). Whatever happens, I think you'll be fine. Really.


Peace to you,


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As a more and more former Catholic. I am giving up religion for lent! Jesus Christ! I even ate meat every Friday and skipped Mass gleefully while feeling a new confident surge in my body! I have not been struck by lightning yet,,,,But Christ,,,that everlasting fire after I die might be hot!!! What do you think? Thanks for the response.


Former Catholic here...


Ahh. There's nothing like a prime rib on Friday! Sacrifice is over rated.


If you are seriously concerned about hell (which it doesn't sound like you are), you should do some research into the origin of the concept. To know it is to lose faith in it.

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Well the only time I ever called myself a Catholic was when describing what area of Belfast I came from. Growing up in Northern Ireland meant that you couldn't walk through a Protestant area if you were a Catholic and vise versa.


The situation in Northern Ireland is crazy. I mean the VAST majority of people who say they are Catholic only say it to discribe their Political beliefs. The same for Protestants. I once saw a TV program about Protestant parades and the interviewer asked a young Protestant boy why do you burn the Irish Tricolour on the 12th of July?? His answer...."Because that our religion".......... :scratch: Anyone see that in the bible????


And I'm 110% sure that the same would be say by a young Catholic boy even girl.


Sorry to miss the point of the thread but I just thought you would like to know that the country divided by 'Religion' for 30years is actually being divided by non-believers of any religion.


Needless to say that the situation ain't helped by the majority of the politicians being CHRISTIANS :vent::vent::vent:

Come to think of it....maybe we are divided by one of the worst religions of all??? :grin:

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As a more and more former Catholic. I am giving up religion for lent! Jesus Christ! I even ate meat every Friday and skipped Mass gleefully while feeling a new confident surge in my body! I have not been struck by lightning yet,,,,But Christ,,,that everlasting fire after I die might be hot!!! What do you think? Thanks for the response.


Ditto that! I am an ex-Catholic too, and I also gave up religion for lent, after months of practice, you could say ;) No fasting, no abstaining, no depriving myself of anything - except the moronic cult that told me such things were somehow good for me. I never understood how starving myself in the name of Jesus™ was supposed to enrich my spirit - all it did was make me think of the next meal :shrug:


I guess Holah Mutha Church™ has a point, though. Fasting does improve one's spirit in a way - when you fast from Xianity. I've been fasting from it for almost a year and my spirit has never felt better :)

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But Christ,,,that everlasting fire after I die might be hot!!! What do you think?


I think it just makes the BBQ taste better. ;)


Seriously though, it was weird eating meat on Fridays in Lent at first. On the other hand, I always preferred seafood to meat, so I never really felt like I was "giving up" anything at all by not eating meat.

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Personally, I always give up self-denial for Lent.

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