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In short: A new research paper says stellar wind could render planets that were previously thought likely to harbour life as inhospitable.





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This is hardly anything new.  Planetologists for decades have predicted, observed and theorized that solar wind will effect a planet's surface, including its atmosphere.  However, the same planetologists predict, observe and theorize that planets with a sufficient magnetic field will defeat the effects of a particular solar wind.  Some magnetic fields are caused by molten iron and/or nickel (or other certain metals such as metallic hydrogen) cores which, through the planet's rotation, generate magnetic fields.  This happens with Mercury, Earth, Jupiter and Saturn.  Venus has an externally induced magnetic field (i.e., not an internal one from an internal molten metallic core).  Current theory predicts that Mars used to have a molten core and magnetic field, but lost both, resulting in the solar wind stripping most of its atmosphere away. 

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