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Goodbye Jesus

I find Peter's 'Seven Seals' funny and have uploaded them to angelfire (appropriate name)


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I found these pages on the internet, and thought them both thought provoking, funny and poignant.


They seem the ravings of a lunatic... but when you think about it, he makes extreme sense. He brings together santa clause, edgar alan poe, songs from the beatles and combines it all with the 'Book of Revelations'.


Sad, gripping and funny, basically says that "The Holy Bible" is what is being talked of in the book whenever it talks of Earth, the 'staff', 'the world', etc. In the Seventh Seal, He encourages people to take 'flight above the earth' (leave the 'Holy Bible' behind).


To me it feels like balm on a wound. I always laugh when I read any part of it. If i could cheer for him, I would. 'can you say hallelujah'?





Anyways... It helped me and maybe it might help you.


Who ever thought the 'Apocalypse' or the 'seven seals' would be comical?





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Holy scooby do!


Someone actually took the time to write all that.


And I thought I believed some weird shit about the seven seals once upon a time.

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"An emotional hook"


People been fishing with this barbed hook a very long time now. Doesn't it just make you feel sick to the stomach?


"I'll make you fishers of men." 


Pull the people out of their breathable water, let them flop around with the hook in their mouth a while wishing they knew how to breath air... Having the fisherman make sure they have enough air to breathe by giving the fish lots and lots more air. That'll fix those fish! Being real nice to the fish, they certainly are nice to the fish, those fishermen. "Why are the fish dying?" The fisherman says. "I'm giving them plenty of air? Damned stupid fish!" The fishermen watch them gasp for air, confused why they're all dying.


Damned sinful fish.






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Satire can be intricate. 😊


Hey they been waiting all in selfish line for so stupidly long now. Think they'll ever catch on no matter how many stupid words they hear that maybe it's just as simple as, "Love is important, idiot. Put down the stupid book and DO it.


And not all this pretend s**t.


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They've had 4000 years to hone their answers till they're sharp as swords. Never was a more dastardly evil plan ever devised by man. Steal love for their dirty purposes and pretend they're nice people while they destroy peoples capability of ever being truly nice, ever again. Get the stupidest naive people to spread it like fire upon the planet! They USED to be the nice people. So wrenchingly sad.



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Well, the person (male or female) is looney as a toon... But they're at least funny when they do it. 


"There were seven seals, and they were all balancing balls on their noses..."

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Idiots will believe any damned thing. People feel so guilty because humans are such violent creatures. Pretend care, compassion and love abound because humans are thoughtless, selfish and cruel. So, it's not surprising, when they try to care, that it comes out so nasty and vicious, cleverly disguised behind a smile.

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To me, its glaringly obvious that the bible (small b intended) is just the nastiest, most vile, concoction of hatemongering disguised as something nice, ever concocted.


'God' is just the very worst character traits you'd ever want to see in a human.


They like to pretend that the New Testament is somehow fixed all those things. Viciousness disguised behind a smile. In two seconds they draw out the fiery sword of Hell and Damnation and slash with it. Cruel, mean foolish dolts trying to recruit all the nice people to act as foolish used car salesmen con men peddling cleverly disguised viciousness, too naive to know what they're doing.


They start out with something genuine cake, then once they're indoctrinated properly into the spreading of lies,  it turns so bitter.







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