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Goodbye Jesus

Good And Dead


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Forgive me, I have a habit of making light of things even when it would be socially unacceptable, especially when the irony is so palpable.


So this lifelong friend of mine lost her mother last Spring. Her mother suffered most of her life with debilitating arthritis. Her last year or so was spent curled up in a ball in a bed in a nursing home, totally coherent and mentally livid but physically incapable of anything and enduring immense pain. She was around 72 when she passed.


Her husband was a Pastor. He visited her in the nursing home every day, twice a day. In death he did the same thing. Always on time, never missed a day at the cemetery. Totally devoted. 


Yesterday as he was driving home he had a heart attack, stiffened up and uncontrollably put the accelerator to the floor, went into an intersection doing 60+ and was T-boned on the driver side by a semi. Yes, closed casket.


Guess it wasn't enough that his allegedly omnipotent god first killed him with a heart attack but sent him into the intersection to be be squashed by a truck to make sure the deed was done.


It's things like these that make hearing, "well we can't know the mind of god/his motives/his mysterious ways" sound so infantile.


What was the point?


There is no point.


There is no god.



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