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Goodbye Jesus

Am I dogmatic? Fundamentalist?


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I believe I am right beyond a shadow of a doubt.  Anyone who disagrees with me is wrong.  

1. The Christian god does not exist.

2. There could be an intelligent cause of this universe and we will likely never be able to know if it exists.  A first cause with no subsequent intervention.

3. The universe could've resulted or evolved from non intelligent means.

4.  There could be a multiverse

5.  Just like any other life form on this planet, we have evolved in reaction to our environment.  There is no intelligent design.  There may be a deist god, but believing we were designed by an active creator god is just plain stupid.

6.  Believing in spirits and souls is stupid.  Scientific discovery constantly proves that the physical brain is responsible for everything.  There is no room for the soul.

7. It is very likely that we don't have free will.  We may have free will.

8. There are other beliefs, but the above is all I can think of at the moment.

9.  Am I a fundie, because if you don't agree with the above you are wrong...

Edit.  I am open to new enlightened ideas.

When I read the above I realize that I am not a fundie.  I am actually very open minded.

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On 12/24/2017 at 11:50 AM, SerenelyBlue said:

I believe I am right beyond a shadow of a doubt.  Anyone who disagrees with me is wrong.  

1. The Christian god does not exist.

2. There could be an intelligent cause of this universe and we will likely never be able to know if it exists.  A first cause with no subsequent intervention.

3. The universe could've resulted or evolved from non intelligent means.

4.  There could be a multiverse

5.  Just like any other life form on this planet, we have evolved in reaction to our environment.  There is no intelligent design.  There may be a deist god, but believing we were designed by an active creator god is just plain stupid.

6.  Believing in spirits and souls is stupid.  Scientific discovery constantly proves that the physical brain is responsible for everything.  There is no room for the soul.

7. It is very likely that we don't have free will.  We may have free will.

8. There are other beliefs, but the above is all I can think of at the moment.

9.  Am I a fundie, because if you don't agree with the above you are wrong...

Edit.  I am open to new enlightened ideas.

When I read the above I realize that I am not a fundie.  I am actually very open minded.


"I believe I am right beyond a shadow of a doubt. Anyone who disagrees with me is wrong." <-- Not open-minded, no.


The rest of your post has some open-mindedness to it , sprinkled with some dogmatic ideas.



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I am open to new ideas therefore I don't believe beyond a shadow of a doubt.  Initially I thought I was closed minded, but at the end of the post I realized agnosticism plays a big part in my worldview.

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Close minded = "I believe X and I am unquestionably right".

Open minded = "I believe X but I may be wrong".


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It is not good to be too open minded.  You may become indecisive and never make up your m8nd about what you believe.  About this I am not open minded.  The soul or spirit does not exist.  The Christian god does not exist.  Creationism and intelligent design is for the ignorant.

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"Don't be so open minded that your brain falls out".


This quote is usually attributed to Richard Dawkins, and he has used it.  But the source of it goes back much further:



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Open minded is not the same as all-accepting.  It's just a readiness to accept that there are other possibilities to consider.  It doesn't stop you making up your mind - it just means you are prepared to re-evaluate when a new argument or evidence is advanced.

I would say I'm pretty open minded about most issues.  After all, there's no point in clinging to a belief if it suddenly seems likely to be wrong.

As I've quoted before:

"I conceive of nothing, in religion, science, or philosophy, that is more than the proper thing to wear, for a while."

[Charles Hoy Fort]

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A bit of tongue in cheek from:

Daniel Drasin

Zen … and the Art of Debunkery
Or, How to Debunk Just About Anything


• When confronted with the notion that openmindedness may be a good thing, declare that “you don’t want your mind to be so open that your brains fall out!” If anyone should point out that it is the skull, not the mind, that encloses the brain, or that an open mind would make things fall IN, not out, put on a dyspeptic scowl and bark “oh, come on, let’s lighten up!”




The whole article is hilarious, actually.

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