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Goodbye Jesus

3 wise men


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I had always taken the nativity scene we are all fimilar with as the way the Bible describes the event. I never read the section and it has always just been an accepted part of Christian celebrations. This year I came across a mention that it was all wrong which surprised me and had me reading up on what was actually said.

First the Bible doesn't say there were 3 wisemen, it says there were 3 types of gifts and people have guessed they provided one each. In Eastern religions they actually say there were 12 wisemen, but it is not clear.

Second it talks about the wisemen visiting Jesus at home, no mention of a stable, so it is thought that they turned up later. Some say a few days but others think it could have been a couple of years later due to King Herrod murdering all the children up to 2 years old. No need to do that if the child was new born.

It was also mentioned that the only reference comes from the gospel of Matthew with no mention in the other 3 gospels. A miraculous event that no one else thought was worth mentioning...

So at least nothing like we see every year or possibly completely different in almost every way.

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     I've seen the nativity scenes.  They have three wise men.  They're in a stable.  Which do you trust more?  The bible or your neighbor's lawn?  Exactly.  Now stop saying there weren't three wise men in a stable.




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The nativity scene. That's where white European baby Jesus was born, eh?

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1 hour ago, midniterider said:

The nativity scene. That's where white European baby Jesus was born, eh?

Wonder how the islamiphobe rednecks handle Jesus being an Arab? Aren't the KKK mostly Christian based? Is there some mental gymnastics going on to be racist and follow a small jewish Arab?

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  • Super Moderator

It's almost as if people were just making this shit up...

  • Haha 4
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