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Goodbye Jesus

Reasons that show there is no Holy Spirit


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I could never understand why I never felt like a new creature in Christ.  Paul said we are made anew as we are part of the body of Christ.  I felt the same.  I still committed the same sins.  I tried extremely hard to be a new creature in Christ, but I failed.  I blamed myself.  I thought the problem was with me.  Now years after I left that farse of a cult, I see it is a clear indication that there is no holy spirit.  


Look at all the division between churches who proclaim to be guided by the Holy Spirit.  Another clear indication that there is no unity in the body of Christ.  If there was a holy spirit there would be unity.  

Look at the Bible.  I've been reading the bible for skeptics and the amount of errors and absurdities in the Bible is staggering.  Even if it is not the word of god.  Even if the Bible was only inspired by a god, surely the Holy Spirit would not be happy for the guide to knowing god's mind to be so corrupt and inaccurate.  Again, this is clear evidence that there is no Holy Spirit.

Anyway, maybe you can help me and all other ex christians and point out any other proof that the Holy Spirit does not exist.

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The lack of unity in Christianity is its biggest weakness. If there was one church with one bible and one cohesive message it would be a really strong statement but instead we have tens of thoussands of denominations, dozens of versions of the bible and hardly a single subject upon which they can agree (women priests? Magic in movies? Importance of baptism/speaking in tongues/handling snakes etc). They disagree to the extent they will go to war and slaughter each other (catholic vs protestant being the big one).

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