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Darwin killed God.


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Am I allowed to plug my blog? It's called "Darwin killed God". It's at http://darwinkilledgod.blogspot.com


My idea is since 1859 when Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species it's impossible for an intelligent person to believe in a magic god fairy.

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On 04/01/2018 at 11:14 PM, BobCu said:

Am I allowed to plug my blog? It's called "Darwin killed God". It's at http://darwinkilledgod.blogspot.com


My idea is since 1859 when Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species it's impossible for an intelligent person to believe in a magic god fairy.

 Hi BobCu


I would disagree on the grounds that God belief is often emotional not intellectual. Take William Lane Craig. By all measures he is intelligent but still believes in God.


Also evolution only makes the biblical God exceptionally unlikely. It does nothing to rule out the possibility of some God somewhere. Take care not to overstate your case. 


I look forward to reading your blog.



Edit: I got to the first "creationists are stupid fucking idiots" then stopped reading. Ad hominem attacks are not arguments. 


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  • 2 months later...

OP - The tone of your blog is not going to persuade the people you seem to want to persuade.  In fact, it is more likely to make them dig in their heels.  You also should distinguish between evangelical "christian" fundies and progressive faiths that take the world as it is.  The gap in worldview between them couldn't be wider. 

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On 1/4/2018 at 5:14 AM, BobCu said:

My idea is since 1859 when Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species it's impossible for an intelligent person to believe in a magic god fairy.


I'm not sure I agree with this. It's quite possible to believe in a God who made it that way all along. It turns out, the God hypothesis is an ever expanding view.

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