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Cheating warning: If your partner holds this belief they could be more likely to cheat


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A CHEATING wife or husband is far more likely to be found among a certain group of religious believers, according to one survey. While micro cheating has hit the headlines again as one minor form of adultery, it is claimed that Christians are more likely to be caught cheating.

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It makes sense to me. Christian's are generally liars, cheats and everything else who cling to christianity as some type of crutch. Many of them think of themselves as "sinners" and like the idea of their repeated "sins" being forgiven. And then do them again and again. This all seems to describe a lot of christians I've grown up with and known. Including many clergy. Make's sense that they rank high among marital infidelity. 


In business, if I see anyone using christianity in their business name, or being loud and outspoken about it in a sales transaction, immediate reg flag. 

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5 hours ago, Joshpantera said:

It makes sense to me. Christian's are generally liars, cheats and everything else who cling to christianity as some type of crutch. Many of them think of themselves as "sinners" and like the idea of their repeated "sins" being forgiven. And then do them again and again. This all seems to describe a lot of christians I've grown up with and known. Including many clergy. Make's sense that they rank high among among marital infidelity. 


In business, if I see anyone using christianity in their business name, or being loud and outspoken about it in a sales transaction, immediate reg flag. 


There certainly are some bad people hanging out in Christianity but the dogma sets them all up for failure - even the ones who are sincerely trying.  Anger is a sin.  Finding people attractive is a sin.  There is just no way to get through a day without sinning.  And since God punishes all sin the same and forgives all sin the same it makes feeling angry the moral equivalent of murder.   It messes with the mind.










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I like a good jab at religion as much as the next guy, but c'mon! LOL


"In comparison, only eight per cent of married adulterers claimed they are atheist or agnostic."


IOW, it breaks down roughly the same way believers vs non believers breaks down in society. So, we can gather from this that "some people cheat". It doesn't matter if they are religious or not. 

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6 hours ago, Joshpantera said:

It makes sense to me. Christian's are generally liars, cheats and everything else who cling to christianity as some type of crutch. Many of them think of themselves as "sinners" and like the idea of their repeated "sins" being forgiven. And then do them again and again. This all seems to describe a lot of christians I've grown up with and known. Including many clergy. Make's sense that they rank high among among marital infidelity. 


In business, if I see anyone using christianity in their business name, or being loud and outspoken about it in a sales transaction, immediate reg flag. 


I agree with the line I highlighted. It falls in line with "Methinks the lady doth protest too much". But in my experience with the religious I grew up with, I didn't run into a lot of dishonesty. I guess we've had very different experiences. If I were broad brushing them, I'd call them gullible, but not dishonest. Not as a rule. 

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If this is accurate, I think its easily explained by a couple of things inherent to religious upbringing. 

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6 hours ago, Vigile said:


I agree with the line I highlighted. It falls in line with "Methinks the lady doth protest too much". But in my experience with the religious I grew up with, I didn't run into a lot of dishonesty. I guess we've had very different experiences. If I were broad brushing them, I'd call them gullible, but not dishonest. Not as a rule. 


I don't always have problems with christian people, in business, many of them are just fine, honest folks. I'm talking about the one's who are being loud about it, naming their businesses to do with it, trying to ask you about your faith and possibly proselytize within a business setting. Those I have had problems with just about every time. Trying to screw us out of money, lying about certain things, greed driven, straight up bearing false witness, etc. A lot of very degenerate slime balls have tried to jesus talk me at work. The last two guys I was sub contracting work from not excluded. Always looking to screw someone, always. Making a game of it. Professing christianity the entire time. 


Anywho, I'm not at all surprised that it's not the atheist's who are the big cheaters in marriage. 



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