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Goodbye Jesus

This is truly sick. Caution, disgusting religious behavior ahead.


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This is perhaps the most disturbing video I've ever seen.  Human beings, reduced to cattle, by one of their own.



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Grass fed sheep...........


I have a hard time seeing a clear cut victim in such cases. Sadists and masochists are two sides of the same animal, each needing the other to exist.

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I'm confused...  


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I love me a little grass..........:o :rolleyes: 



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No doubt inspired by Daniel 4:33


"The same hour was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar: and he was driven from men, and did eat grass as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his hairs were grown like eagles' feathers, and his nails like birds' claws."


Afterwards the story goes that Neb recognised God as the one true God blah blah



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My eyes have been soiled!

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Well, that is just crazy.

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Anyone doubt the power of indoctrination? My wife and I watched a documentary about the Reverend Jim Jones & his church. Younger folks probably don't know about him. He formed his own Church and built up quite a following in the 70's.


Long story short, his empire eventually began to collapse. Jones was arrested for sexual misconduct although he forbade his followers to engage in sexual intercourse. He moved his "church" to Guyana. A U.S. Congressman received complaints from family members of Jones "Church" that their relatives wanted to leave but Jones wouldn't allow them to leave and even had armed guards preventing them from leaving. 


Long story short, the Congressman flew down to inspect this "Church" personally. Jones ordered his guards to kill the congressman and his Entourage. He realized he had crossed a line that would doom him and his church, so he ordered his followers to committee suicide and they did. Approximately nine hundred people drank poison and died. Parents voluntarily murdered their children. Only fifteen people escaped. 


Never doubt the power of indoctrination. 





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And so the phrase "drink the Kool-Aid" was born.

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Regarding Jonestown, obviously the children were innocent victims. The adults had no excuse.


Grown ass people who not only fall but actually leap into the arms of a cult don't get sympathy from me.

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When I watched this documentary a while back, I could see myself within the first ten minutes. If you came from dysfunction, he had an answer. If you suffered depression, you would be healed of that. If you were old and weary, he had the way for you including housing. He offered health care and a perfect way of life.  If you had addictions, he had the solutions. He welcomed and made everyone feel that there wasn't any difference between color, creed or background. He told each and every vulnerable person that god had a special plan for their lives. This is exactly how I got sucked into the Pentecostal doctrine when I was 20 years old. If it had been Jim Jones preaching that first night in our church, I would have followed him that night because Jim Jones was identical to my pastor who made all those same promises of god with his screeching voice.......


 I don't believe that most intelligent people would purposely join a cult. Cults are cults and they are bad, right?. Why would anyone join a cult? Because they don't know that it's a cult. (especially people who wanted to be really close to god after screwing up their lives) I watched lots of grown men and woman get 'saved'.....and suckered....


Edit: As I listened to this today (again) while doing some housework I forgot the political power he had. That's why he could obtain everything he did for a while. Isn't this funny how a lot of fundamentalists have the political power? Makes them look quite sane in the political world... instead of friendly psychopaths that they are. Because politicians are supposed to believe in God and the church so they support these people.



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16 hours ago, Margee said:

I love me a little grass..........:o :rolleyes: 




Move to Oregon, D'arlen.


Its LEGAL here.

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4 minutes ago, MOHO said:


Move to Oregon, D'arlen.


Its LEGAL here.

Here in July for us. We're all waiting! :P

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You know, I've always, even as a child, been astounded by what some coke-soccer pastor/bishop etc would as of his flock. Even more astounded when they would actually do it. This is all mind control BS of course.


You know like...


Stand up... sit down...put the money in the basket!

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2 minutes ago, Margee said:

Here in July for us. We're all waiting! :P


I"m tell'n !

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I watched a documentary about Jim Jones. At the end, a good many did not want to drink the kool aid and were shot.


With the people beheaded by ISIS, some say ‘why don’t they struggle and at least try to fight back or run away!’. They have many ‘mock’ executions and are punished for acting out so are led to believe ‘this is probably a mock’ and only realise it’s real when they are cut.


The same happened in Jonestown. They would have dummy runs of the kool aid taking. People who refused were then punished, denied meals etc. At the beginning a few thought it was just another dummy run. When they saw people dying some tried to run. They were shot and others were injected. Also, they killed the children first, so many parents lost the will to go on.



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16 hours ago, Lydie said:

The same happened in Jonestown. They would have dummy runs of the kool aid taking. People who refused were then punished, denied meals etc. At the beginning a few thought it was just another dummy run. When they saw people dying some tried to run. They were shot and others were injected. Also, they killed the children first, so many parents lost the will to go on.


That is some really sad shit.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/31/2018 at 4:57 PM, Lydie said:

With the people beheaded by ISIS, some say ‘why don’t they struggle and at least try to fight back or run away!’. They have many ‘mock’ executions and are punished for acting out so are led to believe ‘this is probably a mock’ and only realise it’s real when they are cut.


It's all out of the same old Nazi playbook. Back then they'd pack 'em on trains, send 'em off and when they got to their destination, send them to the showers. They even put nice labels on their luggage so they could reclaim it ...


As Ernst Kaltenbrunner said later, "We never arrested anyone, we just took 'em into protective custody; we never shot anyone, we gave 'em 'special treatment;' and we never deported anyone, we only relocated 'em!" And the way he took on, you'd swear he actually believed all that. ISIS knows the tricks but they don't have the efficiency ... yet.



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