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Goodbye Jesus

4.5 years and counting


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It's been about that long. The straw that broke the camel's back was a documentary stating that Christianity wasn't the only religion with a virgin birth. For some reason, after watching that, the facade started to crumble and I didn't care to stop its destruction. I couldn't believe any longer. I know that some leave the faith because they were hurt by the church in some way; that wasn't the case for me. I think I just couldn't deny what was right in front of me all those years; the foundation I was standing on was built from fear and by silly claims. I'd always assumed that if I ever lost my faith, I would flounder in an abyss of hysteria. This of course didn't happen. I was and still am me. Not much has changed, but I did feel a weight lifted off of me. I can now think for myself, and it doesn't scare me to realize I don't believe in God. Faith and disbelief fascinate me. I watch a lot of atheist Youtube videos. I am still trying (aren't we all?) to figure out life as far as faith, or a lack of it, is concerned. 

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It is a common sign of early deconversion when folks say, 'I lost my faith' or something similar.  Later, most replace it with, 'I learned how to think rationally' or something similar.

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How about learning to think rationally is how I lost my faith. That actually is how it happened. I allowed myself to start asking the big questions without caring what the answers would turn out to be. It is, however, still somewhat difficult to hear myself say that I am an atheist.

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Hey goodgravy, welcome!  I love plenty of those atheist youtube videos.  They have helped me out a lot over the years.  I'm a big fan of theramintrees, darkmatter2525, nonstampcollector and quillasoup.  I find the comedy helps even more than the lectures because religion is tied to the emotions.  Or at least it was for me.  If you have any questions or just want to talk feel free to ask anything.

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My favorites are the Atheist Experience videos. Matt Dillahunty is one of the many hosts. It's good stuff. I will have to look into your suggestions. Thanks for the welcome!

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Greetings, goodgravy, and welcome to the board. One of the few Christian friends whom I'm still in touch with regularly says "good gravy" a lot, so I can't help but think of him when I see your user name.


It's great that you've seen the light and broken free from religion. Like you, I wasn't hurt by the church, either. Most of the Christians I know personally are good, caring people, so I have nothing against them. For me it was problems in the Bible that caused Christianity to unravel. I simply discovered that it's not true, plain and simple.


Matt Dillahunty is also one of my favorite YouTube personalities. He's very logical and knowledgeable.


Enjoy the journey ahead of you....

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All that stuff about the virgins is crap you know.  That youtube video is total nonsense.  You must not believe everything you hear on youtube.

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O welcome to ex-c

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I haven't the slightest clue as to what you are talking about. O and thanks.

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