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Goodbye Jesus

Why do people believe in bronze age mythology?


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Stephen Fry and co discuss.



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Goodbye Jesus

I love everything about this. I love QI anyway, and I love Fry.

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Crazy, huh? And there are those who believe in even older mythologies. Humans are strange.

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Why? Because someone convinced them to either fear things when they were kids, or convinced them that god X will help cure you of alcohol/overeating/drugs/etc. I'm watching my otherwise brilliant nephew and niece being raised in a fundy home. The parents are passing on a level of fundamentalism that neither of the parents had growing up, but the parents are convinced it is essential for the kids. There are some great benefits to the home schooling and no internet, but the constant indoctrination will bite them in the ass when they join the rest of society.


At the dinner table, they were repeating and repeating that God is faithful to keep his promises, blah blah. I wanted to say Bullshit. Do you need to remind yourself daily that gravity is a real thing? Do you need constant reminders and verses to know that mom and dad love you? Why then do you need to do this for your god? Because reality gives you constant evidence that your god is imaginary, and that all the tales of myth you insist are true and clearly fairy tales. Non-stop brainwashing is required to override reality.

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