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Goodbye Jesus

Tiny Frog tackles Lee Strobel


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I found an interesting review of the insane apologetics book I was forced to read in high school, The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel, an alleged former atheist journalist. I have thought of doing a series of threads based on this book because it seems that Strobel's words have become gospel. Here is the general format of the book, Strobel interviews famous Christian apologists, such as Willaim Lane Craig and discusses problems skeptics have with Christianity. Strobel  role plays as an atheist and listens to the apologist's explanation and always agrees with the explanation, never providing a rebuttal. The chapter on hell, with Norman Geisler as the interviewee, is the most famous and most insane chapter, so I'll start with it.







As you can tell, this chapter is nonsensical. The flames are a metaphor because the Bible uses metaphors? It's actually separation from god and unbelievers' regret at being separated is what causes the pain, but people are separated from god because they choose to be separated? Contradiction? Tiny Frog also calls out the simplistic, "not believing in Christianity means you want to be separated from god argument." Why do Muslims pray to god five times a day if they want to be separated? The overall argument that the separation from god hell is painful and agonizing yet superior to the literal fire hell doesn't sit well with me. If separation from god is as painful as Geisler describes, how is it not torture?


What do y'all think of Tiny Frog's destruction of Strobel?

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