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This subject is contained in my story, "Truth: A Gradual Awakening", in the Testimony section, but since it is a basic premise of Christianity, I will also put it here.


A self fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that helps itself to come true.  Doctrine coming from religious leaders saying people are incomplete, inferior, and "lost", and need divine instruction from an infallible source (which they happen to have) is believed by many, and believing it makes it so.  it gives the religious saviors, or "police", a job for life, and opens the door for believers to be used and abused by unscrupulous leaders.  Higher education and critical thinking is usually discouraged, as it might cause you to go astray and put your soul in jeopardy.  And might put the religious police out of a job!!


Living with a broader humanitarian perspective, being told you are valuable just because you exist, and are part of a "whole" that needs balance, and you have the ability to think and problem solve just like everyone else, determining right from wrong through rational thinking, promotes a different mind set.  There are no special God given holy people to do your thinking for you.  it is up to everyone to do their part to make this a better world.  Therefore a broad education for the masses is needed.  Thank goodness our forefathers established public education and separation of church and state.  BE SURE TO HELP KEEP IT THAT WAY!

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1 hour ago, Weezer said:

This subject is contained in my story, "Truth: A Gradual Awakening", in the Testimony section, but since it is a basic premise of Christianity, I will also put it here.


A self fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that helps itself to come true.  Doctrine coming from religious leaders saying people are incomplete, inferior, and "lost", and need divine instruction from an infallible source (which they happen to have) is believed by many, and believing it makes it so.  it gives the religious saviors, or "police", a job for life, and opens the door for believers to be used and abused by unscrupulous leaders.  Higher education and critical thinking is usually discouraged, as it might cause you to go astray and put your soul in jeopardy.  And might put the religious police out of a job!!


Living with a broader humanitarian perspective, being told you are valuable just because you exist, and are part of "whole" that needs balance, and you have the ability to think and problem solve just like everyone else, determining right from wrong through rational thinking, promotes a different mind set.  There are no special God given holy people to do your thinking for you.  it is up to everyone to do their part to make this a better world.  Therefore a broad education for the masses is needed.  Thank goodness our forefathers established public education and separation of church and state.  BE SURE TO HELP KEEP IT THAT WAY!


I'm out of votes for today,  @Weezer but I give this post two snaps, UP! :58:

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Behold, the Word of God says that you will be persecuted for your beliefs.  So when you go into the whole Earth trying to change everyone so they all become Christian and you meet any kind of resistance then know you are being persecuted for your beliefs.  Now go forth and change everyone who has non-Christian beliefs.

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I agree completely. Not only it is preferable to think for ourselves it is our moral responsibility, and the bane for the toxic people who want to stop us from doing it.

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