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Goodbye Jesus

The Non Prophets 17.04


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* Voicemail?rn* FFRF - "Johnson amendment under attack from religious right" (Prevents 501(c)(3) non-profits endorsing/opposing political candidates)rn* Atheist Experience and Talk Heathen at American Atheists convention (Oklahoma City, OK on Easter weekend)rn* Bayview, MI - Only practicing Christians can buy houses or inherit them. Require letter from their minister verifying their active participation in the church. Christian-only clause was introduced together with a white-only clause.rn* [Listener Mail] School shootings because "god taken out of schools"rn* Florida - "In god we trust" on display in all schoolrn* National holiday in honor of Billy Graham. (Note: Billy Graham still dead.)rn* [Listener Mail] Hypocrisy re-revisited: Pointing out when religious people do not follow the edicts of their holy book counters the argument that they get their morals from their religionrn* Florida state senator: "Thoughts and prayers are the only thing that will stop mass shootings"rn* [Listener Mail] Flat-Earth correction: The sun can be seen after it is below the horizon because of refraction, not gravity.rn* Male escort exposes dozens "actively gay" priestsrn* Claiming to have credible evidence for the existence of god means you have no faithrn* [Shit Internet Apologists Say]rn + "god knows each of us as well as anyone can know us"rn + "... burning forever in a lake of fire! What an awful thought! :)"rn + "the human condition is the same for everyone" (?)rn* [Listener Mail] god/source is the superposition of all things/cosmos is a virtuality produced by nature's supercomputer

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