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How do you leave the church?

Guest llllll

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Guest llllll


May I ask those people living in Singapore on this website, how do you leave the Christian church? And finally, is it difficult to leave the church?


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Is there something unique about Christian Churches in Singapore? I would think the answer is the same for any religious affiliation. You simply walk away & then deal with the repercussions. It would be wise to plan & prepare for the fallout that is certain to come though in most situations. In other words,  you need to know exactly why you're leaving or you will likely be convinced to repent & return to the fold. 






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Any time that the church has become your primary social group, it is difficult emotionally to leave. There may even be shunning from the group if the see you as deceived. For some people, that can be very difficult. It is good to find others who have left, or to integrate into another social group. But many people, at least here in America, don't want to hear about leaving the church. That is partly because of the default honor churches have here, but also because it is simply so far outside their own experience that they feel like an outsider when ex-believers begin trying to relate the experience. We often suffer alone in the change. But this website helps some with that transition. There are millions of non-believers, so plenty of other people to know and enjoy outside of the cult of Christianity.

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  • 5 months later...

Never show up to one of those pathetic houses of corruption, and villainy again. Enjoy the sundays, instead of mentally torturing yourselves. 

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i am from singapore and used to be a methodist church member and some sirt if leader in the local church. 


i simply wrote in to withdraw my membership to the pastor in charge. 


stop attending church. 


“church” friends called, amd busy with something else, or meet outside church. 


unsubscribe church notices. 


have lotsa friends outside church settings. 



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Super Moderator

I left by walking out of the back door and never walking back in.

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