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Goodbye Jesus

God or spiders


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Imagine (if you will), that you are a person that hates spiders, hates and fears them......yet the Bible says that you must love them, keep them as pets and allow them to crawl over your face.......this you must do for the Lord, for He commands it......


You might (with training and an iron will) be able to allow them to crawl on you....but love them, and really mean it ....not very likely.........


Now, imagine (if you will) that the Bible tells you that there is  genocidal, invisible serial killer that lives in the sky and see's you as a slave and wants you to love and fear it and give it's representatives on Earth your time and money and if you don't comply then you will be tortured forever after you die........


You might (with indoctrination)  be able to comply through fear to give your time and money, but love it, and really mean it......not very likely 

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Spiders... Ugghhh!





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8 hours ago, Garry said:



You might (with indoctrination)  be able to comply through fear to give your time and money, but love it, and really mean it......not very likely 


But they don't know that they have been indoctrinated and they really think they love it. They are the prisoners in Plato's cave    (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegory_of_the_Cave) . 


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