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Goodbye Jesus

Rant of the century


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I'm trying to think of a juicy rant, but I can't. I mean I could get all ranty on my step parents for loving me with their checkbooks and not their hearts. I could get all ranty on my boss who pay's me way below minimum wage. I could get all ranty on that kid of mine who almost had me thrown into jail, because she thought I was going to kill her when I was psychotic. I could get all ranty on Christians for some reason, but I think I've done that to death.


But I'm having to much fun in my new life to rant, I'm all ranted out. But I love reading your rants, they fill me with joy joy feelings. Ah, the rant, helps clean those mental pipes.


So, rant away.



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I usually get inspired to rant when I come across videos or comments that really grind my gears. I can go a year without posting then something gets stuck in my mind and it feels good just to work through it.

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