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Goodbye Jesus

I have been bullied at work


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I'll spare you the details, but it has been extremely  nasty and has included the threat of spreading malicious rumours coupled with threats of violence.


I am outnumbered by 2 to 1.


I have told the pair of them to stop, repeatedly, to no avail. 


So now it has been reported to my management team who have formally passed it up to HR on my behalf and have assured me of their full support.


I am not a "snowflake" who needs to "man up".


No one should face threats of violence at work, nor face the loss of dignity having their professional reputation trashed or sullied. 


To anyone I will say, do not suffer work place bullying in silence, or "put up with it".


You are worth much much more.


I'll let you know the outcome, but I hope at the very very least they are both given written warnings and moved. 

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Sorry to hear that. Good luck as the issue gets dealt with.

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A stressful experience for sure. Work can be taxing enough without enduring shit from co-workers. Good that you are at a place large enough for an HR dept. I once worked at a small outfit where the boss was the bully. The only option was to find another job (which was tough due to the specialized nature of the work).

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