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Goodbye Jesus

Another Rant... Republianity.


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Good rant.  


Many strains of the Christian God Virus are quite virulent and infect the believer with all sorts of nonsense, including immoral behavior, selfishness, hate, bigotry and willful ignorance.  Many Evangelical sects are like this.  Members tend to be boring, creepy, xenophobic and disingenuous, among other cheesy traits.


I choose to ignore them.  Fortunately, there are better people to spend time with and more interesting things to do instead.

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Wow, great rant!


Someone on my FB feed wrote this today:


"Biblical history shows when a land or a country does not give God 
Honor and Glory.(And choose sin over all) God gives them bad leaders.(Read your bible)

When a president is birthed "only by God into a country". God places a mantle on them.(His tangible approval )
People at first will not like the righteous changes They make.(They like sin and darkness ) 
Donald Trump is the placement of God for America. He is not perfect (But God never picks perfect people to do his business "Never)
I see a great change going on in this country and it started with hearts of the people toward God the Father.
God is saying enough.

Let's make America God Great Again

As we love God and are country. And are president. God will lead us. And shine His blessing upon us. 
From the Church House to the White House."



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Good rant.  My whole family vote only one way because of Jesus.  I can totally relate.



Just one minor thing:  You were thinking of social darwinism.  Social darwinism has nothing to do with Charles Darwin or "survival of the fittest".  By unfortunate coincidence they share a similar name but that is about it.  In the science of evolution human success is explained through our cooperation.  In contrast social darwinism is just a cover story for a hate group.



But again, great rant.  You totally nailed it about the dangers of mixing religion and politics.

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2 hours ago, ficino said:

Wow, great rant!


Someone on my FB feed wrote this today:


"Biblical history shows when a land or a country does not give God 
Honor and Glory.(And choose sin over all) God gives them bad leaders.(Read your bible)

When a president is birthed "only by God into a country". God places a mantle on them.(His tangible approval )
People at first will not like the righteous changes They make.(They like sin and darkness ) 
Donald Trump is the placement of God for America. He is not perfect (But God never picks perfect people to do his business "Never)
I see a great change going on in this country and it started with hearts of the people toward God the Father.
God is saying enough.

Let's make America God Great Again

As we love God and are country. And are president. God will lead us. And shine His blessing upon us. 
From the Church House to the White House."




Well, all I can say to this is -- "YUCK!!"


Yeah, I know, I should strive to be a bit more articulate....

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3 hours ago, ficino said:

Wow, great rant!


Someone on my FB feed wrote this today:


"Biblical history shows when a land or a country does not give God 
Honor and Glory.(And choose sin over all) God gives them bad leaders.(Read your bible)

When a president is birthed "only by God into a country". God places a mantle on them.(His tangible approval )
People at first will not like the righteous changes They make.(They like sin and darkness ) 
Donald Trump is the placement of God for America. He is not perfect (But God never picks perfect people to do his business "Never)
I see a great change going on in this country and it started with hearts of the people toward God the Father.
God is saying enough.

Let's make America God Great Again

As we love God and are country. And are president. God will lead us. And shine His blessing upon us. 
From the Church House to the White House."




So everyone started believing in Jesus around Nov 2016?

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I became a Republican (you know, checked the GOP box at the voter's registrar office) while Christian, but still voted for the democrats. lol.

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15 hours ago, sdelsolray said:

Good rant.  


Many strains of the Christian God Virus are quite virulent and infect the believer with all sorts of nonsense, including immoral behavior, selfishness, hate, bigotry and willful ignorance.  Many Evangelical sects are like this.  Members tend to be boring, creepy, xenophobic and disingenuous, among other cheesy traits.


I choose to ignore them.  Fortunately, there are better people to spend time with and more interesting things to do instead.


Thanks, @sdelsolray. I'm still expecting to get in trouble for posting something like this. I was literally afraid to look at comments. I have a ways to go in healing.


I aspire to getting to the "ignore" stage. Right now, I'm processing and mad as hell! (Oops... don't believe in that!)  😂

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3 hours ago, ficino said:

Wow, great rant!


Someone on my FB feed wrote this today:


"Biblical history shows when a land or a country does not give God 
Honor and Glory.(And choose sin over all) God gives them bad leaders.(Read your bible)

When a president is birthed "only by God into a country". God places a mantle on them.(His tangible approval )
People at first will not like the righteous changes They make.(They like sin and darkness ) 
Donald Trump is the placement of God for America. He is not perfect (But God never picks perfect people to do his business "Never)
I see a great change going on in this country and it started with hearts of the people toward God the Father.
God is saying enough.

Let's make America God Great Again

As we love God and are country. And are president. God will lead us. And shine His blessing upon us. 
From the Church House to the White House."




It's this rhetoric that was the final nail in the coffin for me. The crazy thing is that not only have the talking heads from that party all been repeating those same talking points, but so has the church, and now the congregants. Shallow theology for shallow people. In 25 years it went from, "pick the most godly man in the race" for our voting, to "everyone makes mistakes, looks at "x" (insert name) from the Bible." Really? So, I guess they'll be changing who can serve in leadership or be pastor, right? No? Such hypocrisy.  This is the church and everyone in it saying the the ends justify the means. I'm not sure where that Biblical principle is. :banghead:

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9 minutes ago, Riven said:


Thanks, @sdelsolray. I'm still expecting to get in trouble for posting something like this. I was literally afraid to look at comments. I have a ways to go in healing.


I aspire to getting to the "ignore" stage. Right now, I'm processing and mad as hell! (Oops... don't believe in that!)  😂


You're doing quite well.

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35 minutes ago, midniterider said:

I became a Republican (you know, checked the GOP box at the voter's registrar office) while Christian, but still voted for the democrats. lol.


Me too. I registered Republican when I was 18 because that's what my parents had raised me to think.  However, after a number of years, I began to vote for the issue or the person, not the party. Finally, I registered Independent. It was more of less symbolic at that point, since I'd been voting how I wanted for years, but by that time, I was sick of the church trying to tell me how to vote.


By the way, I like your link to the characteristics of skeptics vs. pseudo skeptics!

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2 hours ago, mymistake said:

Good rant.  My whole family vote only one way because of Jesus.  I can totally relate.



Just one minor thing:  You were thinking of social darwinism.  Social darwinism has nothing to do with Charles Darwin or "survival of the fittest".  By unfortunate coincidence they share a similar name but that is about it.  In the science of evolution human success is explained through our cooperation.  In contrast social darwinism is just a cover story for a hate group.



But again, great rant.  You totally nailed it about the dangers of mixing religion and politics.


Thanks, @mymistake for that clarification. I guess I didn't realize that. I'll have to look into the origins of that phrase -- I didn't realize it was a hate group!

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It has been my personal experience that this group think that @Riven wrote of occurs in all walks of life - from evangelical circles, to political think tanks (Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green, Blue, Red, Yellow), to corporate board rooms, to Saturday morning bicycle clubs. 


Even amongst former Christians and Atheists the propensity to bash a certain political party and/or political doctrine is a manifestation of this.

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3 minutes ago, Ann said:

I don't know exactly when it became Republican = christian.


At some point, decades ago, the religious right (not necessarily all of xianity) hijacked the Republican party - just as SJW's hijacked the Democrat party. 


The focus used to be on how much government you wanted in you life. Now it seems to be about WHERE you want your government - not how much. 

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1 hour ago, MOHO said:

It has been my personal experience that this group think that @Riven wrote of occurs in all walks of life - from evangelical circles, to political think tanks (Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green, Blue, Red, Yellow), to corporate board rooms, to Saturday morning bicycle clubs. 


Even amongst former Christians and Atheists the propensity to bash a certain political party and/or political doctrine is a manifestation of this.


I would absolutely agree with this. I've definitely seen and experienced this in many group situations. I have to say that I personally don't like it from any "side." When my husband and I started attending the United Methodist church (I am supporting his continued belief, and he is supporting my stipulation that I would not attend a church with him that wasn't open and affirming), I noticed their tendency to talk the same way about the "other Christians" (read: Evangelical Republicans). I don't like that either. It's a personal decision, but I don't want to engage on that level. Of course here, on Ex-C, I will admit I'm blowing off a lot of pent up, held in steam from years and years, however, my issue is entirely about evangelical hypocrisy and how they express themselves on social media to those with whom they disagree. If you claim that the bible is "all true, every word," then slandering is not something god allows you to do. I'm all for open, respectful debate about differences, but unfortunately, those experiences are the exception with evangelicals in social media, not the rule.


23 minutes ago, Ann said:

Well said!

I don't know exactly when it became Republican = christian.   I graduated high school in 1989. My parents sent me to a "christian camp" in Colorado Springs for my graduation present....thanks a lot assholes! Anyway the two weeks I spent there the leaders of the camp were very clear that to be a good christian you must be Republican...really some John Birch Society shit mixed with christianity. They were unapologetic about their goal of making young adults into political warriors for jesus and encouraged the youth to get involved with the right kind of politics because that is in line with god. I think since the Ronald Regan days the christian powers that be have succeeded in blending right wing politics with christianity. That's just a guess. Anyone know how this kind of thinking got started? Has it always been there and I just started to notice when I was becoming an adult?


Ann, I think that it was the Moral Majority, starting in 1969 or 1970 by Jerry Falwell, but think it may go back further. I had an article bookmarked about it, but I can't find it. However, there was a recent article in Forbes that is closely related to this that I recently read (and saved). It's long, but well worth the read , if one is interested.



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1 hour ago, Riven said:

Of course here, on Ex-C, I will admit I'm blowing off a lot of pent up, held in steam from years and years, however, my issue is entirely about evangelical hypocrisy and how they express themselves on social media to those with whom they disagree


I fully empathise with you, @Riven


I live with these people. 

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2 hours ago, MOHO said:


At some point, decades ago, the religious right (not necessarily all of xianity) hijacked the Republican party - just as SJW's hijacked the Democrat party. 


The focus used to be on how much government you wanted in you life. Now it seems to be about WHERE you want your government - not how much. 





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Riven - this is a great rant.  You hit all the points and wrote it so clearly.  Good job!

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8 minutes ago, Questioner said:

Riven - this is a great rant.  You hit all the points and wrote it so clearly.  Good job!




knock it off, @Questioner!

The rest of us are trying to hijack this thread, dammit!  :yelrotflmao:


Great job on the thread, @Riven

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48 minutes ago, MOHO said:


I fully empathise with you, @Riven


I live with these people. 


Oh man.... you have my full empathy as well. I am fortunate in that my husband is OK with my conclusions. The Christian extremist wing of my family is a few states away, so I only need to deal with it during holidays. 


8 minutes ago, Questioner said:

Riven - this is a great rant.  You hit all the points and wrote it so clearly.  Good job!


Thanks! It had a few decades to think about it. 😂

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3 hours ago, Ann said:


They were unapologetic about their goal of making young adults into political warriors for jesus and encouraged the youth to get involved with the right kind of politics because that is in line with god. I think since the Ronald Regan days the christian powers that be have succeeded in blending right wing politics with christianity. That's just a guess. Anyone know how this kind of thinking got started? Has it always been there and I just started to notice when I was becoming an adult?


BINGO!  Check out "Dominionism, " "Christian Reconstructionism," and "Theonomy."  Also, the documentary Silhouette City which came out about 10 years ago, gives an eye-opening (and kind of frightening!) history on the subject.      https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1259226/      It's been a while since I last watched it, but near the end, they list names of many of the prominent people in the movement.  Remembering the movie was made more than 10 years ago and seeing the list now will make your skin crawl at their success in infiltrating jeeeesus into American politics and law.   As much as I abhor Islam and its radicals, good ol' home grown Christian Fundamentalists are much more dangerous to America at the present time.

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5 hours ago, Riven said:


Me too. I registered Republican when I was 18 because that's what my parents had raised me to think.  However, after a number of years, I began to vote for the issue or the person, not the party. Finally, I registered Independent. It was more of less symbolic at that point, since I'd been voting how I wanted for years, but by that time, I was sick of the church trying to tell me how to vote.


By the way, I like your link to the characteristics of skeptics vs. pseudo skeptics!


I did the same. There's actually very few republican deconverts. Mostly libertarians, either conservative or liberal libertarians. I don't think you'd experience a big fall out for posting this rant. 

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18 minutes ago, buffettphan said:


BINGO!  Check out "Dominionism, " "Christian Reconstructionism," and "Theonomy."  Also, the documentary Silhouette City which came out about 10 years ago, gives an eye-opening (and kind of frightening!) history on the subject.      https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1259226/      It's been a while since I last watched it, but near the end, they list names of many of the prominent people in the movement.  Remembering the movie was made more than 10 years ago and seeing the list now will make your skin crawl at their success in infiltrating jeeeesus into American politics and law.   As much as I abhor Islam and its radicals, good ol' home grown Christian Fundamentalists are much more dangerous to America at the present time.


What's happening in current events (in America - not Ex-C) really is scary. We have a president (love him or loathe him) who is using religion as tool to grab power. Not to just to kinda pander a little or make sure he has the support of one cross section of his purported political party, but actually as a tool to enlist those of the radical right wing persuasion. Regardless of their beliefs or intents the fact that they tend to be radical and/or "one minded" scares the living shit out of me. 

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57 minutes ago, MOHO said:


What's happening in current events (in America - not Ex-C) really is scary. We have a president (love him or loathe him) who is using religion as tool to grab power. Not to just to kinda pander a little or make sure he has the support of one cross section of his purported political party, but actually as a tool to enlist those of the radical right wing persuasion. Regardless of their beliefs or intents the fact that they tend to be radical and/or "one minded" scares the living shit out of me. 


He is only giving Christianity lip service.  He is the most anti-Christian and anti-Christ-like leader we have ever had.  But he gives great lip service.  Talk is free.  Really Trump is merely taking advantage of the situation that Christians and Republicans spent decades creating, as outlined in Riven's original post.

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2 minutes ago, mymistake said:


He is only giving Christianity lip service.  He is the most anti-Christian and anti-Christ-like leader we have ever had.  But he gives great lip service.  Talk is free.  Really Trump is merely taking advantage of the situation that Christians and Republicans spent decades creating, as outlined in Riven's original post.


Thanx, @mymistake

In a dirty sort of way...I feel better now...

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