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This professor says demons are real. I’m scared


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I'm more frightened knowing a psychiatry professor believes that than I am of the concept.

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7 hours ago, Lydie said:


You should read disillusion's article. And rest easy in the fact that academic's have long since put together the evolution of satan and demons into a coherent lineage, showing exactly how human minds created these concepts. They were not created all intact from the outset. It took years and years of coming up with new concepts and combining them with older concepts, before anything like the story of fallen angels from heaven was eventually formulated in the myth making process. Many of us who study into religion around here are as certain that this is man made mythology with no literal basis in reality, as we can be certain of anything. And in my case, I bet life my life on this conclusion. 


Here's some suggested reading: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OO199EY/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1


The Birth of Satan: Tracing the Devil's Biblical Roots by [Wray, T. J., Mobley, Gregory]
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14 hours ago, Lydie said:


I think Dr Gallagher is priming people for his upcoming book. Religion is about first creating a problem and then creating its solution.


Why should you believe what he has to say?


Is his research legitimate? Has anyone else done similar research and come to the same conclusion?


Have any non-believers done research and come to the same conclusion as Dr G?







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Thanks guys.

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Anyone who stupidly walks into my office on Taco Tuesday has no doubt that demon possession is a thing. 

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This kind of stuff can scare me too, but if "malevolent entities" exist, then it proves that voodoo, shamanism, buddhism, hinduism, and many other religions are just as real as xtianity, since they all have demons as part of their mythology.


Honestly, the fact that this professor is catholic makes me very suspect.  He needs to worry about the "demons" posing as priests and abusing kids in his church.  



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People say all sorts of things are real, believe in all sorts of magical and supernatural woowoo.


When asked for actual evidence of these entities all you will get is personal experience and anecdotes of people interpreting what they see as "demons".


You can put the word "wonkydonks" in there instead of demon and it has as much validity.


[Edit - as I rad the comment section of the article I am once more convinced that long term humanity is f'ked. All the advance in science, the gaining of knowledge and understanding of our world and these people are believing nonsense ancient people did. At least the ancients had some justification to believing such in that they had far less understanding of their real world and how it operated. ]

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Demons aren't real.  The Redneck Professor says so.

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14 hours ago, LogicalFallacy said:

[Edit - as I rad the comment section of the article I am once more convinced that long term humanity is f'ked. All the advance in science, the gaining of knowledge and understanding of our world and these people are believing nonsense ancient people did. At least the ancients had some justification to believing such in that they had far less understanding of their real world and how it operated. ]


We made it through the dark ages.

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16 hours ago, Burnedout said:


I love the Church Lady! 

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I witnessed my fundie husband go through a psychotic episode where he was experiencing demons. He was terrified. Then his psychiatrist gave him a box of little white pills and Satan went away. No exorcism required.


His psychatrist told me that one-quarter of schozophrenic and bipolar patients have religious hallucinations. 

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On 6/24/2018 at 9:59 AM, LostinParis said:

I witnessed my fundie husband go through a psychotic episode where he was experiencing demons. He was terrified. Then his psychiatrist gave him a box of little white pills and Satan went away. No exorcism required.


His psychatrist told me that one-quarter of schozophrenic and bipolar patients have religious hallucinations. 

That is the thing that convinced me, anti-pyschotic medicine works. It really started as a god of the gaps issue, but now that gap is well and truly filled. 

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On 6/23/2018 at 5:59 PM, LostinParis said:

I witnessed my fundie husband go through a psychotic episode where he was experiencing demons. He was terrified. Then his psychiatrist gave him a box of little white pills and Satan went away. No exorcism required.


His psychatrist told me that one-quarter of schozophrenic and bipolar patients have religious hallucinations. 

Yup, I have seen this first hand. Don't make the mistake of thinking that because someone else sees demons, they exist. Or any other visions, for that matter.

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Hey, I've dabbled in the occult, and while I have experienced some odd things, I have trouble actually seeing demons as literally real. Nothing's come to "take me away", at least not yet...

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On 6/20/2018 at 3:01 PM, Lydie said:

Be scared of real thing's like deadly snakes or wild eyed grizzly bears.


It's healthier.

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A man was going to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge when an old woman stopped him.

"I am a witch," she claimed. "If you come home with me and make passionate love to me, I will answer all your questions."

The man forgot about jumping into the river and went home with the woman where they made love all night long.

In the morning the man began asking the old woman question after question, until she lay back and lit a cigarette. "How old are you sonny?" She asked.

"35." He answered.

"35 years old and you still believe in witches?"


My point is, we believed in childish things when we were children. You know demons do not exist. If you believe they do then you still believe what the church pukes out because we believe demons are evil because of what the church or religion teaches. There are no demons except what you create for yourself.



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