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Goodbye Jesus

HBO Westworld (no spoilers)


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Other thread got locked, so...

I loved the two shows leading up to the ending. They were some of the best of the whole series. The ending?... bleah. It really didn't satisfy me at all. So damn much could have been done with it, but it was disjointed and seemed like they had another spin-off planned and wanted to get started on that instead of doing a great ending with a tickler for more. Or maybe they ran out of creative room and time.


I won't spoil it for anyone who still hasn't seen it.

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I watched most of the first season and got lost and couldn't figure out where they were going with the story. So I just lost interest and never even finished the first season.

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There were definitely some episodes that didn't move the plot much at all. My biggest take away from the series was "How much of what I do is a programmed response versus me choosing? How much of what I assume is true is actually fact versus a collective convenient story-line (much like Christianity defined my reality for three decades)? Are there really clues that demonstrate a different reality, or does that thinking just indicate paranoia and mere hope for a paradise beyond that spawned religion in the first humans?"


It is entertaining to ponder, and to question social constructs that people often assume are set in stone. Just yesterday I was thinking about how Viking raiders that pillaged and raped had a very different view of what was "right" and good than we do today. Does that make them "wrong", or just different culturally? Their god was a god of war and they attributed success to their god, and the spoils of battle were rightfully theirs because they won. That was pretty much true of almost every culture of humans as far back as we have records, and still is quite present in American politics. In contrast to the tribal past, today there is also a much larger awareness of human community, regardless of colors and cultures, and much greater tolerance for differences in many people.  We are becoming aware that we can choose to behave and value things and ideas that don't fit with past constructs, and pursue a construct that is mutually beneficial. It is also painfully obvious that many don't value that way at all and see life as a game they intend to win, their own personal benefit at the cost of all others they deem beneath them.


The secondary plot is what those with extreme wealth can do behind the scenes, and their goal for absolute power and control.

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