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Goodbye Jesus

TBN Atheists


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I've been thinking about my memories of what my parents used to watch on TBN when I was a kid. There were always these specials about scumbag atheists who abused drugs and were violent criminals. This is pretty obviously their smear campaign and way of spreading fear. Any memories of these programs? The basic claim is that people disbelieve to justify bad behavior. Atheism is all about smoking pot and having lots of premarital sex in its most benign form and at worst involves rape and murder. It's no wonder mom got pissed when I expressed doubts about Christianity. Although the TBN guy said that there is no reason but a selfish reason to disbelieve in god, I had an altruistic reason. Most of us have talked about how the fear of hell damaged us, but it wasn't necessarily the fear of myself going as much as people I loved. My reasons did involve altruism as I knew that god existing would cause far more harm than it prevents. There seems to be a great deal of care about the human condition that I see from atheists that TBN ignores. How many of us really deconverted just to live hedonistic or criminal lives?

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I deconverted because Satan promised me great wealth and power... lying bastard!

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19 hours ago, TheRedneckProfessor said:

I deconverted because Satan promised me great wealth and power... lying bastard!


I'm still waiting for that, myself!

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Hey, @megasamurai,


Mrs MOHO was of the mindset that I deconverted so I could enjoy the things that xtianity forbade. 

She got an earful for about an hour the night I came out - the second time around - of the real reasons I have for leaving the fold. She listened. She had the usual replies but she listened. 


Now I am showing her, each and every day, that, aside from not attending church, I am the same person I have always been. My political beliefs have not changed, I'm not hanging out with swingers, I don't eat babies, I'm not championing the plight of the disenfranchised-gay-baby whales, and I have significantly cut back on the number of kittens I drown on Tuesday nights. :rolleyes:


I think we all need to make a consorted effort to appreciate that the fundies in our lives may be frequently bombarded by those seeking to keep them in the fold and just be as nice and pleasant as is reasonable. I'm not saying be a pollyanna or Mr./Ms Congeniality. Just don't be pricks or pricketts and maybe, just maybe, they will begin to question those who would turn them against us for their own personal benefit. 

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20 hours ago, TheRedneckProfessor said:

I deconverted because Satan promised me great wealth and power... lying bastard!


He has a better plan for you! Just trust him.....


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It would be interesting if there were more  actual non-biased studies regarding religion and crime and other things. I've heard that secular countries have less crime than religious countries, but a Christian could retort that that is because secular countries don't have as many laws and enable sluttiness and drugs. Still, these countries outlaw murder and that would mean that the violent crimes are lower. Still, is there really proof that American atheists are more likely to be sociopathic criminals like the ones on TBN. How does TBN go about finding criminal former atheists who testify about their conversion on those specials, with a bag of bribery money?

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I'm in the dark here regarding what "TBN" is?

Can someone help me out?

And don't say "Sure. Which way did you come in ?"   :rolleyes:

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51 minutes ago, MOHO said:

I'm in the dark here regarding what "TBN" is?

Can someone help me out?

And don't say "Sure. Which way did you come in ?"   :rolleyes:

Let me Google that for you.  😆



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Constructive criticism noted.

Thank you.

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I started watching TBN after the atheist scare I guess.  I remember being really annoyed that they wouldn't air a complete sermon in one shot, instead of showing a part of it then asking for money to get the entire teaching.  I still watch it now, if only for the lack of commercials.  It's kind of comforting watching someone continue to ask for money and making outlandish claims.  Some people have their apologetic books, I have Christian TV.  I guess when I gave up smoking I had to replace it with another vice that wasn't all that good for me.

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It seems like a good portion of you all have been spared a TBN childhood. Anyway, TBN (Trinity Broadcast Network) is the most powerful Christian television network in the world. They brainwashed with the power of Psalty when I was a kid.


In addition to Psalty, they had documentaries about atheist criminal scumbags who converted to Christianity and became kind and caring people. These former atheists always said that they decided not to believe in Jesus to justify fucking hoes and selling smack on the streets and other hardcore shit, only they used the post-conversion nomenclature. Apparently, atheists are all gangstas? The stereotypes on TBN seemed like someone picked up a random rap album and thought, "this is what atheists are like. Let's go find one and convert him to Jesus and tell about how horrible these atheists are."

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Holy shit!  It's HR Puffinstuff's revival!

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Aside from the fact that I no longer attend church or Bible studies, my life hasn't changed at all.


I s'pose not attending church-stuff could be considered hedonistic. After all, sometimes I spend that time eating ice cream or doing other enjoyable activities. But since church potlucks (at which there are always a plethora of desserts) aren't considered hedonistic, I don't think my penchant for reading while drinking hot chocolate should be either.

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Church skipping itself can be considered hedonistic to some. They think some people choose not to believe to get out of giving god his due. Admittedly, I don't miss boring church services, but in small town Oklahoma, it is practically the only social establishment in many communities. 

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On 7/1/2018 at 3:25 PM, TheRedneckProfessor said:

I deconverted because Satan promised me great wealth and power... lying bastard!

     That's strange.  Satan made no real specific promises to me about my current life.  I know he no specific rules or anything.  He said things would be really great after I died.  I get to fight in a kick-ass war with his enemies and then live forever with him in his personal kingdom.  Guaranteed.  He wasn't going to judge me or anything.  I signed up immediately.  Where else can you get such an offer?




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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/2/2018 at 9:34 PM, megasamurai said:

It would be interesting if there were more  actual non-biased studies regarding religion and crime and other things. I've heard that secular countries have less crime than religious countries, but a Christian could retort that that is because secular countries don't have as many laws and enable sluttiness and drugs. Still, these countries outlaw murder and that would mean that the violent crimes are lower. Still, is there really proof that American atheists are more likely to be sociopathic criminals like the ones on TBN. How does TBN go about finding criminal former atheists who testify about their conversion on those specials, with a bag of bribery money?


Mega, I've often wondered the same as well (where did all of these atheist-gang members-drug dealers all come from?)

While I certainly haven't done a research project on the topic, I have often seen that these former so-called bad-asses who turned to Christianity were anything but.

I think they are usually attention-seeking wannabes.  

"I was a hardcore atheist, for real, slingin dope, praisin Satan and burning churches..." said no atheist in all of known history;)

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  • 5 months later...

Funny usually its the xtians that are the dastardly criminals. Id say there’s 1 decent xtian per 100 decent atheists. 

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