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Goodbye Jesus

Hi, again


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Well hello, you fabulous ex-Christian and/or spiritually curious person who is reading my introduction, thank you for taking the time out of your day to do so! 


I’m an old member, returning after.... 5? Years of inactivity, so I figured I should take the time to say hi again. 


I grew up going to church by choice- my mother dropped me off at the church door every Sunday for morning service and she picked me up, hours later, after worship service, fellowship, Sunday school, and choir practice. I also went to youth group, summer Jesus camp, vacation bible school, and Wednesday bible study. Naturally, I went to a Christian university to for pastoral counseling and biblical studies. 


In 2011, a semester before my graduation, I batted devestatingly heartbreaking cognitive dissonance and won! Erm, depending on your definition of “won”, haha. I transferred to a local university,  earned my degree in psychology, and married my atheist high school boyfriend- it was the most lovely backyard heathen wedding <3


But enough about me- if anyone wants to know more, go ahead and ask! 

I’m also back here because I know I felt so encouraged back in 2012 by members who had been out of Christianity for awhile and had made peace with their former religious experiences. And I think I’m finally at that place where I want to encourage those of you who are just leaiving your faith in that same way. 

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Welcome back. So glad to learn you're doing well and prospering without the help of any invisible Deities guiding your every step. :beer:

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Hi.. um welcome back even though you left before I arrived. :) 



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Hi TrailBlazer! 2012 was before my time here,  but I'm glad you decided to come back. 

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Thanks! Truly, I feel old :) and welcomed. 

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Welcome back, and we hope you'll join in some of the discussions that may not directly involve folks who are deconverting. As you remember, around here we can digress all over the world's ideas and issues.

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11 hours ago, older said:

Welcome back, and we hope you'll join in some of the discussions that may not directly involve folks who are deconverting. As you remember, around here we can digress all over the world's ideas and issues.

I hope so! If I find the time to be consistent is another issue, but I want to try to stick around for awhile here

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@TrailBlazer this was really encouraging to me! I've only been on the forum since list May and am still a relatively young deconvert. It's good to know that someone with a past that sounds similar to mine is so at peace. I feel calm most days, but still battle emotional turmoil and all that. I, too, was churched out: went to bible camp until I was old enough to be staff, youth group, sunday school, small group, homeschooled through high school, went to a small Christian college......it's really a miracle I got out.


Good to see you, you made at least one person feel better about themselves today! :D

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