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The weirdest thing is happening to me


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I used to think the non believers on this website had such wonderful arguments and that Christians were plain foolish.  Now that the Holy Spirit has opened my mind I see that non believers are hopelessly lost and are foolish in spiritual matters.  They have bravado, but they don't have the author of truth.  

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18 minutes ago, SerenelyBlue said:

I used to think the non believers on this website had such wonderful arguments and that Christians were plain foolish.  Now that the Holy Spirit has opened my mind I see that non believers are hopelessly lost and are foolish in spiritual matters.  They have bravado, but they don't have the author of truth.  


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What if it is you who has found pride and bravado instead of god? Maybe you're just in such awe at your creative mind that you presume it has to be divine revelation? lol


I mean it's you who is boasting and disdaining right here right now, isn't it?

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3 hours ago, SerenelyBlue said:

They have bravado, but they don't have the author of truth.


Every time I ask you to substantiate this truth, you dodge and weave. You admit the bible is written by errant men. So I can take from that that we can eliminate the bible as truth and god as it's author. So what does having the "author of truth" mean? 





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Go fuck yourselves.


Your belief in unverifiable nonsense means nothing to anyone with a brain.


The very best arguments I've ever read from Christards have either been "here's some tiny shred of scientific possibility that something might exist that you can't dismiss as 'not god'"




"The bible has de wurd jeroozalum innit, and dere's jeroozalum on de maps on de internets, derefore JEEZIS IZ LORRD!!!!! 11!!"


I live in the closest quarters possible with a naive, brainwashed neurotic who believes in the literal historicity of a man in a desert building a boat in a mater of days, all sufficient enough to house, feed and protect a sampling of EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. SPECIES. OF LIVING CREATURE ON EARTH during what is alleged to be the single greatest natural disaster ever.


Entertaining the remotest possibility that such horseshit is true is enough to obliterate any respect i have for someone's intellect, or confidence in their mental health.


(I apologize for any spelling errors; my tablet is acting weird.)

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3 hours ago, SerenelyBlue said:

I used to think the non believers on this website had such wonderful arguments and that Christians were plain foolish.  Now that the Holy Spirit has opened my mind I see that non believers are hopelessly lost and are foolish in spiritual matters.  They have bravado, but they don't have the author of truth.  


Mrs. MOHO uses the Holy Spook reference, and what she has chosen to believe regarding those with faith (her) and the rest of us downtrodden, wicked ass, non-believing rech's, to put herself up on a pedestal and mute her fear of death.


This is extremely useful to Pastor Asshat and the rest of the fundy machine in their quest to control people and politics as well as line their pockets. They are using many people's emotions and need to satiate their narcissism for their own gain and screwing up people's lives and psychological well-begin in the process. 


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I'll freely admit that I don't have the author of truth. But I'm happy enough,  on most days. Hope you are too @SerenelyBlue.

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2 hours ago, ToHellWithMe said:

What if it is you who has found pride and bravado instead of god? Maybe you're just in such awe at your creative mind that you presume it has to be divine revelation? lol


I mean it's you who is boasting and disdaining right here right now, isn't it?

The difference is most here are so certain there is not more.....to a level of arrogance.  It's like a scale from 0 to 100 of reality and knowledge.  It's like many here hit the 60% mark and declare the other 40 bs.......said and done. bam.

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2 hours ago, L.B. said:




Go fuck yourselves.


Your belief in unverifiable nonsense means nothing to anyone with a brain.


The very best arguments I've ever read from Christards have either been "here's some tiny shred of scientific possibility that something might exist that you can't dismiss as 'not god'"




"The bible has de wurd jeroozalum innit, and dere's jeroozalum on de maps on de internets, derefore JEEZIS IZ LORRD!!!!! 11!!"


I live in the closest quarters possible with a naive, brainwashed neurotic who believes in the literal historicity of a man in a desert building a boat in a mater of days, all sufficient enough to house, feed and protect a sampling of EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. SPECIES. OF LIVING CREATURE ON EARTH during what is alleged to be the single greatest natural disaster ever.


Entertaining the remotest possibility that such horseshit is true is enough to obliterate any respect i have for someone's intellect, or confidence in their mental health.


(I apologize for any spelling errors; my tablet is acting weird.)

Good Lord LB, chill dude.  Go have a drink, masturbate, do something or you're gonna explode.

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5 hours ago, SerenelyBlue said:

The weirdest thing is happening to me


I used to think the non believers on this website had such wonderful arguments and that Christians were plain foolish.  Now that the Holy Spirit has opened my mind I see that non believers are hopelessly lost and are foolish in spiritual matters.  They have bravado, but they don't have the author of truth.  


What is this "weirdest thing"?  What is weird about it?  Why is it more weird than any other thing?

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46 minutes ago, end3 said:

It's like a scale from 0 to 100 of reality and knowledge.  It's like many here hit the 60% mark and declare the other 40 bs.......said and done. bam.


It's more like 99.9999...% for a lot of agnostic atheists. A philosophical technicality being the ONLY reason for not going with 100% as a positive claim. 


But in a lot of ways, at least intuitively, I'm at 100% even though it's not provable I won't pretend that it is. 

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19 minutes ago, Joshpantera said:


It's more like 99.9999...% for a lot of agnostic atheists. A philosophical technicality being the ONLY reason for not going with 100% as a positive claim. 


But in a lot of ways, at least intuitively, I'm at 100% even though it's not provable I won't pretend that it is. 

Probably why you are a mod now.  Hoping you pendulum swings closer to the middle.

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"I'm so right! You're so wrong! Yadayada..." *yawn* 

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2 hours ago, end3 said:

The difference is most here are so certain there is not more.....to a level of arrogance.  It's like a scale from 0 to 100 of reality and knowledge.  It's like many here hit the 60% mark and declare the other 40 bs.......said and done. bam.


And where are you on the 0 to 100 scale of "reality and knowledge"?  


Is any part of that assessment of yourself arrogant?

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7 hours ago, end3 said:
7 hours ago, SerenelyBlue said:

I used to think the non believers on this website had such wonderful arguments and that Christians were plain foolish.  Now that the Holy Spirit has opened my mind I see that non believers are hopelessly lost and are foolish in spiritual matters.  They have bravado, but they don't have the author of truth.  



Come on, end! In a day, week, month or so you won't be agreeing with him. Look at the record.


Also, the phrase "hopelessly lost and foolish" simply means there's a disagreement because the religious hypothesis was unable to be demonstrated as true to someone. You want us to just decide to believe something we can't really believe? And we don't need any arguments or proof for not believing a fantastic assertion; it is no different than asking someone to provide proof there is no Santa Claus; the burden of proof is on the one making the positive assertion, but you already know that.

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2 hours ago, end3 said:

The difference is most here are so certain there is not more.....to a level of arrogance.  It's like a scale from 0 to 100 of reality and knowledge.  It's like many here hit the 60% mark and declare the other 40 bs.......said and done. bam.


Most here are like this? Would that most be,  like, say, 60% of us by any chance? I mean,  as long as we're just making up numbers,  and stuff... 

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8 hours ago, SerenelyBlue said:

I used to think the non believers on this website had such wonderful arguments and that Christians were plain foolish.  Now that the Holy Spirit has opened my mind I see that non believers are hopelessly lost and are foolish in spiritual matters.  They have bravado, but they don't have the author of truth.  


Pretty sure you know we aren't foolish on spiritual matters. Instead of a blanket statement H, why don't you start a thread with one example of why you think so and we can all discuss it. We can do one at a time that way, unless you are now coming back just to bash us, and I think you've shown in the past that you are better than and more intelligent than that.

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This is how it always turns out when you try to dialogue with people who believe in nonsense.


"I just know that I know, and you can't know because you don't have the unverifiable magic that I have.


Never mind that there's no agreement on how to understand a god, or how to relate to a god, or what things are important to the god."


Hell, even people who belong to the SAME churches can't agree with each other.


By the way, @end3, when you're the one who needs to believe that the world is a 6,000-year-old cesspool of "sin" and "wickedness", from which people can only be "saved" by an invisible sky daddy whose benevolent dictatorship is the only grounds for your sense of well-being...


... I'm not the one with the masturbatory fantasies.

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9 hours ago, end3 said:


Says the guy who cannot show the holy spirit to anyone.


10 hours ago, SerenelyBlue said:

I used to think the non believers on this website had such wonderful arguments and that Christians were plain foolish.  Now that the Holy Spirit has opened my mind I see that non believers are hopelessly lost and are foolish in spiritual matters.  They have bravado, but they don't have the author of truth.  


I don't think anyone has the author of truth. No one has a justifiable claim to 100% knowledge. Truth is only what we say is real based on current knowledge.


Re spiritual matters: No one, not even my spiritually minded friends have managed to convince me of anything spiritual that is outside our material existence. The closest is the argument for consciousness but the data seems to point to consciousness being directly tied to the material brain.


Since you and the holy spirit are on good terms perhaps you could start by asking the HS to reveal the names of the gospel writers? The actual writers not the names put on by the later church.

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I wasn't bashing anyone.  Paul said exactly the same thing using different terminology.  Most of my posts are backed up by scripture and therefore are Holy Spirit inspired.  The writers of the Bible, although human were inspired by the Holy Spirit.  I learn as I go along the path back to Christ.  I wasn't bashing anyone.

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11 hours ago, ToHellWithMe said:

What if it is you who has found pride and bravado instead of god? Maybe you're just in such awe at your creative mind that you presume it has to be divine revelation? lol


I mean it's you who is boasting and disdaining right here right now, isn't it?

I am not boasting.  I am simply stating fact.  A scripture backed fact.

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15 hours ago, SerenelyBlue said:

I used to think the non believers on this website had such wonderful arguments and that Christians were plain foolish.  Now that the Holy Spirit has opened my mind I see that non believers are hopelessly lost and are foolish in spiritual matters.  They have bravado, but they don't have the author of truth.  

... I am actually quite embarrassed I know some people well who are quite bright, who STILL believe this religion. They were brought up in the Western education system. They SHOULD know better but don't ... I might as well say it seeing we are all being belittled here! These people SHOULD be able to work it out seeing they were educated! Very sad really! 


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1 Corinthians 3:19-20 NLT
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. As the Scriptures say, “He traps the wise in the snare of their own cleverness.” d [20] And again, “The LORD knows the thoughts of the wise; he knows they are worthless.”

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4 minutes ago, SerenelyBlue said:

1 Corinthians 3:19-20 NLT
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. As the Scriptures say, “He traps the wise in the snare of their own cleverness.” d [20] And again, “The LORD knows the thoughts of the wise; he knows they are worthless.”

... go study the roots of your vile belief system ... find how it made its way into our civilization ... obviously you have NEVER done that! I guess seeing you change like the wind there will never be any chance of you doing that! You are NO different to the Muslims ... you just need to wake up to it! 

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11 hours ago, ToHellWithMe said:


1 Corinthians 2:13-16 NLT
When we tell you these things, we do not use words that come from human wisdom. Instead, we speak words given to us by the Spirit, using the Spirit’s words to explain spiritual truths. f [14] But people who aren't spiritual can't receive these truths from God's Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can't understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means. [15] Those who are spiritual can evaluate all things, but they themselves cannot be evaluated by others. [16] For, “Who can know the LORD ’s thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him?” h But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ.

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