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Goodbye Jesus

God Isn't Fair


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Jesus crucifixion wasn't unique. The Roman's executed a lot of people that way. It is a horrible way to die for sure and it's designed to inflect a lot of pain, suffering, & humiliation. 


Jusf for argument sake let's say that the entire episode took 24-30 hours for the arrest, trials, and pre-crucifixion torture. The Bible indicated Jesus died much quicker than most people that had to endure this torture. The Bible implies Jesus ended it himself by voluntarily giving up his spirit. 


So, God became flesh and voluntarily subjected himself to be tortured and ended his life voluntarily. That was all done so God could forgive sin. According to the Bible those that don't accept Jesus as Lord & Savior will be punished FOREVER by being burned alive without ever being allowed to die and end their suffering. What is fair about that? 


Jesus suffers for 24 hours or so and then ends his suffering voluntarily but sinners will be punished forever. How is that a just and fair punishment? Well it isn't but that isn't the point. The purpose of the story is to scare gullible humans into following the Bible's laws, rules, and commands without questioning them or the Churches authority, and that has proven to be a very successful strategy. 

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I read or heard a few months ago that Hell was just because if didn't exist then bad people wouldn't be punished after their deaths, especially those who didn't suffer enough in life.  Of course, Hitler was referenced.  What that person missed was that according to Christianity, not only did Hitler go to Hell, but the millions of Jews who were horribly murdered went there too.  Where's the justice there?


Back to Jesus.  His crucifixion was easier than most peoples, as his legs weren't broken after being hoisted up.  As to being beaten, there was a schizophrenic man in California (Orange County if memory serves) who the cops beat so badly that his head swelled so badly that he was unrecognizable while having someone kneeling on his chest so he couldn't breathe.  He called out for his father too.  He also died from his injuries.  Even without a crucifixion I believe that that man suffered more than Jesus ever did, especially since he didn't have a place at the divine table preordained for him.  What's sad is that hundreds of millions of people suffer for years without divine purpose while Jesus gets the title of worst sufferer ever.


Sorry that turned into a rant, I got a little carried away there. :blink:

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In fact, if you're an angel inhabiting a body and your body regenerates after three days, you've sacrificed nothing. A sacrifice only would occur if you stayed dead. A person jumping in a river knowing that they'll drown in order to save a child has made a greater sacrifice than Jesus. 


Of course, none of this is ever logically examined, because none of it ever made sense in the first place. People just want a fantasy world they can cling to. 

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  • 5 weeks later...
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If jesus voluntarily gave up his own life, isn't that like... suicide?

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9 hours ago, TheRedneckProfessor said:

If jesus voluntarily gave up his own life, isn't that like... suicide?


I remember this conversation!



The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage (Panic! at the Disco: A Fever You Can't Sweat Out; Track 2)

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