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Goodbye Jesus

Not a scared little boy anymore


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 I'll keep this short. 


Scared into Christianity aged 11 by the fear of hell, I spent far too many years praying and seeing no answers. What I have seen is the utter corruption of many churches who care only about size, status and money. And fuck the people who need support. 


What really finished me was my wife being raped and blamed for it by these self righteous scumbags, who put her in harms way on the egregious celebrate recovery nonsense when she was shadowing a leader. 


She still believes the nonsense and claims its gods plan. Yeah, right. So God's plan was to destroy my life by allowing this to happen in the church? 🤔 As you can imagine, my mental health has taken an absolute hammering, but let's not go there. 


Anyhow, I  am finished with this and all the other illogical crap now. Sadly, as she still goes to church I find it very difficult as she is putting the organisation that damaged us before me. 😡


Thanks for all the help I have had from you all with your posts, jokes etc. 👍


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17 minutes ago, AliT said:

Anyhow, I  am finished with this and all the other illogical crap now. Sadly, as she still goes to church I find it very difficult as she is putting the organisation that damaged us before me. 😡


That is SERIOUSLY messed up, @AliT!


Mrs. MOHO refuses to see the mind-fuck and used her self-righteousness to beat me over the head today when I told her I did not want to do din din at a local winery due to the jesus freak music scheduled there. (See post in Ex Christian Life today) Even after I explained how it affected me. This situation is not as Efed up as yours but it still chaps my hide. 


The organization that makes for some tough times creeps into our lives each and every day and I think some of the arrogant pricks that run it are all too aware of this.


I Hate the tension, fighting, bickering and insults that I get form time to time form the fundy crowd. None of this is necessary if these people would just THINK!

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Virtually all strains of the Christian God Virus™ maintain the infection through peer pressure from others similarly infected (among other ways of initial infection or infection maintenance).


In many situations, I have observed that the internal self-reflection, skepticism, cognitive dissonance resolution, realization of reality, and similar events, which lead a believer to deconvert and reject the particular religious dogma, are dwarfed by the onslaught of peer pressure from Church members, family and other believers to remain in the fold.


Put simply, internally awaking from and rejecting religious dogma is the first and easier part.  Part two involves dealing with peer pressure which is often much more difficult.

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Fear is the main motivator for many religions. Education is the best defense. The truth about the origins & evolution of both the Bible & the Christian Faith is readily available online.


Drs Bart Ehrman, Robert M. Price, & Richard Carrier have a lot of excellent YouTube videos online that expose Christianity and the Bible for what they truly are; which is man made nonsense. :)

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Perhaps she feels genuine terror/embarrassment at the very thought that there is no god in charge, that she's been tricked and hasn't detected it, that all her friends are just a cult, and gets enough good vibes from the cult worship that she is emotionally dependent on the very thing that abuses her. That is exactly where abusers want their victims to stay, to keep telling them that they are in charge, that "God is good all the time, and all the time God is good" mantra to block out thoughts that could disrupt the programming/subservience/money/power. I hope for change.




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Thanks folks. All comments appreciated. 


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