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Goodbye Jesus

Methuselah living to be 969 years old


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What scientific evidence would Christians cite for the extraordinarily long lifespans of Old Testament people?

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Goodbye Jesus

*thump!* the buuuuyyybull you heathen! It says it in the buybull so it must be true! The buybull is true because it is the word of gawwwwd! The buybull is the word of gawwwwd because the buybull says so. 


Brb, i need a aspirin from typing that. 

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     Scientific evidence?


     Well, the sorts of things I've heard is these folks lived prior to the flood so there was a canopy of water surrounding the earth.  This helped prevent all sorts of issues, like cancer, and so people lived longer.  It sounds good if you believe but it's obviously pretty specious.




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What scientific evidence would Christians cite for the extraordinarily long lifespans of Old Testament people?


Of course there could be no evidence for a real Methuselah having such longevity other than the claims of the validity concerning the bible itself.
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The same scientific evidence one could present for Superman's ability to fly. None. 

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What would be needed isn't "scientific" evidence, but simply evidence.  That evidence would need to be relevant, empirical, probative and of sufficient quantity to reach a rational conclusion that certain humans lived such long lives.


I am not aware such evidence has been gathered.

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Outside of the bible I'm not sure they have anything they would claim as evidence. I haven t even heard them try... unlike creationism and the flood where they try and present evidence. 

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9 hours ago, LogicalFallacy said:

Outside of the bible I'm not sure they have anything they would claim as evidence. I haven t even heard them try... unlike creationism and the flood where they try and present evidence. 

Then they should use this evidence:


“Three hundred lives of men I've walked this earth and now I have no time.”


Gandalf the White  -  The Two Towers.

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On 8/28/2018 at 11:06 AM, florduh said:

The same scientific evidence one could present for Superman's ability to fly. None. 


Hey, waitaminnit, I have seen Superman fly! Many times! In comics, movies, and TV -- the holy trifecta! Blasphemer! How dare you?  😀

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Wow. I learned something today. 

Apparently, the short answer is: the fall of mankind, telomere gene variants post-flood, possibly the water sphere surrounding the earth theory; higher carbon levels, etc.- (but not as likely). But perhaps it was YHWH in his mysterious wisdom, who decided it was not good for sinful men to live for so many years. 


The real question then becomes not, ‘How could they possibly live for so long?’, but rather, ‘Why don’t we live that long any more?’”



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