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Ouija board - what do You think about it?


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I have just discovered a youtuber, who tells stories about paranormal experiences that she, her friends or other people that she knows experienced. She told a story about what happened to her friend after playing the game called Ouija board . It's really scary and hard to imagine, even from sceptic's point of view.




I would say that I am 5 on Dawkins's scale ( The spectrum of Theistic Probability). I am a weak atheist, who don't know for sure if God exists, but I am inclined to be skeptical. And I can't live as a Christian without true faith and for now it's scary for me to even think about being involved in any kind of church life again, but if I would find out that I have a terminal illness and I will die soon- I can't say that I would be able to die as a 100% atheist- rather not.


I tried to find some topics here about Your experiences or opinions about this "game", but couldn't find. You mentioned a lot about Tarot reading, but never really about Ouija board invented by Elijah Bond.


What do You think about this stuff?

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28 minutes ago, Lost said:


What do You think about this stuff?


Not much.  Only so much time exists in each day, week and year.  I prefer using it to do other things.


When I was younger, I spent some time with this.  I concluded it was complete nonsense and not worth further time.

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Now that I'm out of the church, I have no basis for belief in demons, angels, etc. The movie "The Exorcist" is what fed the whole "Ouija boards will attract demons" thing, but that whole movie was still based in Christianity.

I do know that most of us have minds capable of generating other personalities, and novel writers make great use of that, some even say their characters begin to write themselves or disagree with what a novelist has written and argue for a different approach.


Some of my friends are mediums and say that there are other beings that will communicate through a variety of means. I don't know if any of what they claim is true, but I do know a handful. Some seem prone to drama, others not so much. Not sure if they are essentially perceiving the same thing as the novelists and interpreting it differently or what. I've had a voice speak to me 3 times, but that was when I was a believer and assumed it was god. Now I don't know what I heard.

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the apparent "supernatural" experiences people perceive when doing whatever they are doing with the ouija board is actually caused by the person himself/herself unconsciously moving the necessary pieces in the ouija board, this is known as the Idiomotor effect, theres a Youtube video from the science channel Seeker that explains it way better than I currently can - 


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I've never messed with a Ouija board myself, but I do find it interesting that the planchette never moves on its own. If it's controlled by spirits, then why does it need to have people touching it in order to move? Requiring human touch pretty much undermines the alleged supernatural element.


There are two possible causes, both of which are FAR more likely than spirits:

  1. Someone touching the planchette is intentionally moving it in order to fool the others.
  2. Someone touching the planchette is entranced and subconsciously moving it, fooling them all, including even the one doing the moving.

I suspect that both of those scenarios have happened. I do not suspect anything supernatural at all.


My mother swears that it's real, though. She said that when she was a kid, she and some of her siblings played with one and it supposedly told them what order they would fall asleep that night. The last one awake that night confirmed that they did fall asleep in that order. I was not there, of course, and cannot confirm the accuracy of her recollection, but I see no reason to think that it was an actual experience with the occult. It could have been mere coincidence that they fell asleep in the order that one of them thought would happen. It could have been that they were mistaken regarding the actual order of falling asleep. It could be that they often fell asleep in a particular order and one of them knew that beforehand. Perhaps their subconscious kept each of them awake until the one named before them had fallen asleep. I cannot say for sure what happened, but what I do know is that this is not an incredible feat with no possible natural explanation. I also know that the planchette did not move without them touching it, which, as I noted above, undermines an alleged supernatural element.


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On 9/2/2018 at 7:51 AM, florduh said:





Wait, wait...I got it. The spirits have to use the eyes of the participants to see the Ouija Board and thus, send messages. Boom! In your face, skeptics!

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I used a Ouija board several times as a child and maybe even into my early teenage years. I never noticed any particularly "paranormal" going on. Had some fun with my friends, though!

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Why don't you ask the Ouija Board.  I'm sure it would give you the insight you seek.

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