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Goodbye Jesus

Stupid is as stupid as


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So I found a hotel at 60 dollars a night, I had a deal with the current GM to pay what I could. But he got caught out screwing with the book's, and a new GM took over the hotel. I found out I was due to pay another 400 dollar's and if I didn't have the money (Well who gives a fuck) I didn't have an extra 400 dollar's. 


I asked for one more day so I could arrange some other accommodation, but the GM wouldn't budge. So here I am out on the street's again, and the only person I knew was that pastor. So I went down to his Church and asked for help. He was reluctant but forked over 100 dollar's, but with it came string's attached.


"Come over for dinner" he said. 


Little did I remember it was meet and eat then Bible study. I was stuck there for two or so hours smoozing with the religious folk (Oh how did it suck) 


Fuck am I stupid or what.

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$50 X 2080 typical work hours in a year is ~ $100k.


MONEY BAGS! :moon:


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  • Moderator

All a matter of perspective I guess.

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