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Goodbye Jesus

The Non-Prophets 17.19 2018-10-03 with Denis Loubet, Jamie Boone, Ashley Perrien


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ON THIS SHOW: Presidential alert system test today Former nominee (withdrawn) for Army Secretary Mark Green - "Government-assisted healthcare is an 'injustice' because it hampers church-affiliated providers from converting people to christianity." Maureen Mullarkey in The Federalist "Pedophilia is not the main problem with catholic priests, homosexuality is" Trump administration changing policy to require same-sex partners of members of permanent missions (embassies/UN/etc) must be married in order to qualify for visas. Ireland blasphemy laws US credibility, potentially drastic changes every 4 years Red Hat Report: Investigating members of college of cardinals to name those credibly accused in scandal, abuse, or cover-ups and to research who has responded strongly against corruption Denis: "Why are there still catholics?!" Pope Francis: "Culture of death" surrounding child sexual abuse and cover-ups Boston Globe expose of abuse, Spotlight(movie) "Women" for Kavanaugh Josh Bernstein: "Christine Blasey Ford was a sexual predator" Trump cabinet bible study leader hopes to lead bible study sessions for SCOTUS Denis: "I never wanted to hate people this much" Project Blitz: Legislative assault by christian nationalists to reshape America SHIT: Mark Taylor, self-proclaimed Christian prophet (firefighter) proclaimed Trump opposed by "child-eating demons", Hurricane Florence created and aimed at North Carolina to destroy evidence of massive voter fraud      

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