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Goodbye Jesus

An Open Letter to Christians / People of Whatever Religion / Especially the Super Judgy - You’re Going to Hell Types lol


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A quick note before I begin this:  All of what I write may not apply to everyone.  I apologize ahead of time if it seems I am lumping all people of faith into one category.  I apologize if this seems like or turns out to be an us against you all type of post.  I apologize if I offend anyone with the anger that might be present, my choice of words, or any sarcasm.  If certain bits don’t apply to you, great.  I don’t need to know about it because I realize there are some religious people out there who aren’t zealots.  I, personally can tolerate that brand of it all a whole lot better.  All of these are likely scenarios so you have been forewarned.  By the way, I’m really kind of not sorry if this offends you.  I just can’t keep these feelings to myself any longer.  Everyone has an opinion and these are simply mine. 


Dear Whomever this May Apply To,


There are those among you who condemn people who do not believe in your god to an eternity in hell.  Not only do you condemn people to hell for their unbelief, there are some who go as far to condemn even fellow believers to hell based on how they live and certain beliefs they hold.  If they don’t follow your brand of religion then they are doomed.  I was one of those fellow believers.  


I hope it is all worth it to you because honestly you’re ruining friendships, tearing families apart, polluting children’s minds.  Your fantasyland, your idea of heaven, your belief in god, your misplaced trust, your blind faith, your condemnation of others not like you is NOT worth it.  Nothing is worth the pain you cause others when alienate them, forsake them, ridicule them, give them ultimatums, scare them with the threat of your hell, entice them with the promise of seeing loved ones who have since passed, damn them to an eternity in your hell.  


I think that it’s time the tables get turned. I think it’s past time many people woke up and faced reality.  It’s time that people got a clue and faced the facts.  Look at the sheer amount of evidence in front of your face.  Open your eyes!  Listen!  Read an actual book, one not based on ancient myths.  Believe actual truth, facts, evidence.  I beg you to stop living your life believing something that requires blind faith.  I rarely believe anything simply based on the word of another person, let alone based on what an ancient book says written by literally UNKNOWN authors.  The Goat Herder’s Guide to the Galaxy, no thank you. 


I really think that there’s not a person out there who hasn’t had doubts regarding their religion.  Some aspect of it has made everyone doubt at some point.  I think if people say otherwise that it’s likely they’re lying which supposedly is a sin.  I had so many doubts and I could no longer lie to myself anymore.  I couldn’t continue to pretend.  The games of make believe were over for me.  Don’t you  ever get tired of fooling yourself?  Don’t you wish you could just live your life?  Don’t you want a life where you are responsible for your own actions?  A life where you can take credit for the good things that happen or give credit where it is actually due?  A life where you can own up to your own mistakes, shortcomings and failures instead of blaming them on the forces of evil which supposedly are working against you?  Don’t you want to grow up?  


I can understand to an extent a child choosing to shut their eyes and mind to the reality around them because sometimes the world can be a scary place but to continue doing that into adulthood?  Also what adult indoctrinates a child?  Neither idea seems comforting to me - the idea of living forever in eternity worshipping god if you’re good enough, if you’ve believed, if you’ve lived right or going to hell where you will be tormented for eternity or separated somewhere from that god in some sort of eternal punishment, whichever you believe.  Like I said none of those options seem optimal to me.  Why can’t we just be honest with children?  We are born, we live, and we die.  


Why do so many people of faith want to deny science?  Why do they not want children to learn about evolution?  I know why.  They don’t want them to have this knowledge.  Knowledge is power.  I can see how evolution may seem unbelievable but really which is harder to understand - a fossil record we know exists, the human genome which has been mapped and shows we are IN FACT genetically related to all life on earth meaning humans were NOT created separately from other living things OR that we were magically created from an all knowing god who created evil (yes it says that in the bible Isa. 45:7) and in turn is going to punish us for the effects of this evil eternally unless we accept him and not only accept him but live our lives as some Christians claim without “sin”.  Good luck with that.  


I feel so sorry for children who are raised not knowing the truth about this world.  Not only that but I feel sorry for children who aren’t at least given the choice as to what THEY would like to believe.  See that is what pisses me off.  I wasn’t given a choice in what I wanted to think, feel, or believe.  I was limited as to what I was allowed to learn!  I was made to feel shame about my questions, I was told I was offensive to god because of my doubt.  I was even physically abused, slapped when I asked about dinosaurs and why they weren’t mentioned in the bible.  


So many children suffer silently through this with no voice and no hope for redemption from this hell. They wait until they are older, they keep their thoughts to themselves, they remain silent - on the inside they are screaming and they are angry.        If you believe in a god and you want your child to have a relationship with that god then forcing your god on them is NOT the way.  That is child abuse.  Scaring children with the concept of hell, dragging them to church every spare moment day and night, brainwashing them.  Keep this shit out of the public schools.  If you want to indoctrinate your children do it at home or put your kids in private Christian schools.  


There are many reasons for separation of church and state and this is just one.  I want my children to have an actual education.  I want them to be taught based on facts and evidence.  You say evolution is simply a theory.  It is a PROVEN evidence based theory.  There are other proven theories out there, gravity, special relativity, quantum theory, plate tectonics, heliocentrism, general relativity - all proven.  I don’t understand why people would want their children to be uneducated.  If you want to teach your children creationism and you want to exclude evolution then do so at home or put your child in Christian school.  Public schools are NOT the place for that because then every other religions version of creation events would also have to be taught!!  Why do people not see the fucking absurdity in this????   It angers me so much.  


I also do not get why so many Christians want to incessantly preach to others or try to make aspects of their faith law like banning gay marriage and such.  America is NOT a Christian nation, we are a melting pot of diversity and our founding fathers weren’t even considered Christians.  In fact, several of them spoke out publicly against faith.  Truly no one wants you preaching to them.  How other people live is none of your fucking business or concern.  Contain the condemnation to yourself and sadly to your own family.  It should NOT seep out into our communities and pollute others hearts and minds.  It should NEVER be allowed into our laws.    


There are are many reasons I left Christianity.  Something that always got me was this, in Matthew 10:34-38 it outlines the requirement for loving god more than yourself or your own family.  I am sorry but um, no.  My children are my life and I’m sorry but anyone who puts the god of their mind before their kids is in my opinion insane.  


For all those Christians against abortion, guess what?  Straight in the bible in Numbers 5 it outlines just that, an abortion sanctioned and authorized by god.  Maybe start actually reading this book you carry around and say you fully believe in.  Believe rapists should be punished?  According to the bible if you rape a woman you have to marry her and pay her father.  Other than that you’re good to go.  That’s fucking bullshit.  Slavery wasn’t so cool, was it?  Well the bible not only doesn’t speak against it, it outlines how to beat your slaves and tells you how much each is worth in shekels; females of course are worth less.  I suppose you are also okay with child abuse?  Spare the rod, spoil the child.  What about if a child is disobedient? You can just stone it to death.  How about when god told the Hebrews that he was going to make them eat their children???!!!  There are literally people eating their fucking kids in the bible.  That’s absolutely horrific.  Simply because of what?  They were disobedient to god.  Such a just, loving,  merciful god.  My ass.  


This is not an outline for morality.  If you followed the bible entirely, well even partly you would be imprisoned or sentenced to death most anywhere in the civilized world.  I don’t want to hear it’s just the Old Testament either because that’s a lie.  This insanity permeates the entire story.  Not only that but supposedly god does not change, the god of the Old Testament is still the same and is still the one gave the okay for all of what I mentioned.  It begs to question?  What sort of god are you really worshipping?  Even in the New Testament Jesus said he did not come to bring peace but instead a sword, tearing families apart, setting people against one another, again this is Matthew 10:34-38. This is not my idea of love or goodness.  I don’t know what your idea of it is but apparently we don’t share the same view. 


Back to the topic of doubts.  I’m pretty certain we all have them about many topics.  I believe those who don’t lie.  I also speculate that many Christians and people of other faiths are just lying to themselves about their certainty in what they believe is true.  I think many are simply pretending and too afraid to take the step away from their blind faith.  The indoctrination, the fear is too strong.  They worry about disappointing family members, they are afraid of the possibility they may be wrong to step away from their faith and they again fear the potential consequences of displeasing this god they don’t know even exists.  


If there are any out there who feel like this I want you to know I understand.  Indoctrination is powerful and sometimes rather than face reality we think it’s better to just continue the whole charade.  It really isn’t.  You deserve to be yourself, think and live for yourself without fear of an unknown future.  You get ONE life, don’t waste it trying to please and appease anyone.  If there is a god and I have nothing that convinces me there is then I ask you why would that god create us merely for his pleasure, to worship him both on this earth and the next life you think exists?  It makes absolutely no sense.


Please realize that your religion is just borrowed relics from other religions and cultures of the past.  The god you worship exists solely in your mind, was made by men, in the image of men with what are human characteristics and not divine attributes.  Take the  time to look up the ancient myths of other gods people made up just like the god of the bible.  Look up Zoroastrianism or even other gods who were part of resurrection cults promising eternal heaven. They all came before.  History has a way of repeating itself. 

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  • Super Moderator

An excellent post.

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53 minutes ago, TheRedneckProfessor said:

An excellent post.

Ah thanks😊

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Even if hell isn't real YOU'RE ON FIRE! WOOOOHOOOO!

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5 hours ago, DestinyTurtle said:

Even if hell isn't real YOU'RE ON FIRE! WOOOOHOOOO!

😄 thanks 🔥

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I'm into other girls, and the "you'll go to hell" stuff messed me up with REALLY BAD anxiety as a kid. I shouldn't have had to spend ages 10-13 paranoid about going to hell as if I had secretly murdered someone. Religion sucks.

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