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Goodbye Jesus



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I have gone through decades of escaping from the Xian brainwashing I endured as a child.  I was raised in a conservative, Xian family and experienced the Sunday brainwashing sessions, the summer bible school concentration camps, the family prayers and religious holidays.   Even though as a young teenager, I started to question it all.  As a young adult, even though I did not expect it all, being married to a Catholic, I went along with the program.   However, in the last twenty years, I have gone through a complete reevaluation of my life and beliefs.  I joined the Freedom from Religion Foundation and continue to support them.  I contacted the church I was forced to become a member of, and requested that my name be removed from their membership rolls.  I have tried to get a copy of my baptismal so I could have the destroyed as well.  I even went so far as to break all contact with my parents and other relatives.  They were all responsible for the xian torture. Some might argue that none of these steps were necessary and on the surface that may be true.   However, it helps with the breaking the grip that Xianity can place on you. 

I still remain married to the Catholic, but do not attend church or other religious based events.  If it was ever presented to me that I had to select between remaining married and going to church, or divorcing, the marriage would end.

I have also become very liberal in my political beliefs.  When you break away from Xianity, your eyes become open to so many other things.   

I can only say to those suffering through any form of Xianity abuse, make a break for it.  It is all based on lies to keep people enslaved.

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When you let go of the pendulum, it tends to swing to the other side; but in time it settles into the middle.  I went through all the stuff you describe.  Now my attitude is more like, “I am one of 7 billion people on this rock, and that’s the way mankind is.  Now, what am I going to do today?”

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Wow Distain. You sound so serious and caught up in this rejection of christianity. Good job on getting yourself out for sure. The world is a much more interesting place when you try to see it for exactly what it is. I think that since christianity is just made up bullshit there really is no need to try and undo the baptism as the whole idea is just about pretending, but, of course, you may find it emotionally fulfilling. I know you were just presenting a scenario regarding divorce but the choice you present is very rarely one that comes up from what I've seen on this site. Typically couples are able to find compromises that work for both parties. I hope you are finding joy in your new life without Catholicism.

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Congratulations on breaking free from what can be very powerful indoctrination.

I still sometimes feel anger towards family members. For a long time I felt like I had been lied to, however I realised that they were indoctrinated too, and they honestly thought they were doing what was right.

My marriage did not survive my deconversion, and in hindsight I would have said and done things differently. However I am happy now and have finally found peace. Good luck finding your peace, it will be worth the struggle.

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  • 3 months later...

You had to request to be removed from your church’s roll call? I was excommunicated without having to lift a finger! I guess some of us have it easier than others :D

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